Resident Evil Official

Yeah, they have a habit of doing that lol. I think RE7 was one of the worst for that, the later stuff like the boat with Mia was a little disappointing after such a strong start.

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The games are typically scarier in the first halves because that’s when things are unknown and starting small. It’s when you have the answers and start going into underground labs that all sense of “the unknown” goes out the window.

RE4 worked so well because it started introducing unsettling enemies like the Regenerators by the end, and the enemies themselves were just so much fun to fight. That whole sequence with Krauser is my favorite in the entire series tbh.

My hope is, even when the game inevitably loses its eerie steam, it’s still really fun by the end. If I have incentive to replay it beyond mercenaries after the credits roll, then it’s doing its job.

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Thats the fun of RE games though. At first you’re shitting yourself with a pee shooter but then by the end you have a fully stocked magnum and daring anyone to give you a good reason to use it lol.

I’m hyped, stay away from teh gamespot review though, I heard it’s filled with spoilers.

Personally, I despised the final 3rd of RE4. The island aesthetic was so boring, grey, drab and lifeless, the gatling gun enemies were a ballache and it was extremely QTE heavy.

I wont say i despise it but to me it’s also the weakest part of re4 in my eyes. The regenorators and Iron maidens are the saving grace to this section. one of the rare enemies types that still gives me anxiety whenever i heard them breathing around a corner.

Krauser is a weanie! play dark side chronicles, he just wants leon to hug him.

Island is defo a slog with all the gun wielding enemies. I do love the stuff with Krauser though. I went crazy for that knife fighting scene when I was a teen.

Man that knife battle was in sooooo much AMV fore re4. It was hype back in the day, As time went on though i started liking krauser less and less, especially after dark side chronicles.

So are we still getting an RE4 remake or is that vr thing considered the remake?

I’m glad I’m not the only one that dislikes the boat and mines.

Anyway guys apparently I’m the protagonist of VIII just like I was VII so try not to kill me. :wink:


Installing it right now. :grinning:

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I’ll be carefully reading this thread, as I likely won’t be able to play it for a few months. I’ve played every other main series RE game on release except this one and RE1 (PS1).

From what you’ve told me on Telegram it sounds liek such an amazing experience. I do hope to start it tomorrow night. I’m so excited i started up re5 lost in nightmares last night(Shud up it good) i just cant wait.

BTW since we all never got to discuss it, What’s the story with the top floor of the RPD blown out wall not being explained in RE3 remake? Was this an oversight or have we not seen the last of the rpd?

Wasn’t that wall in the locker room / showers blown up by Carlos planting that TNT charge during his first segment? Or are you referring to a different wall?

Happy Resident Evil 8 day everyone, I’ll see you all on the other side. HYPE


Two hours in and decided to call it for the night.

Keeping things spoiler free:

  • I absolutely adore the way the environment is used in combat. Flour, fuel drums, shelves, it feels like a nice blend of RE3Make and RE4, and flour really does come in handy if you wanna save bullets and start shanking some fools.

  • Just as I suspected, these monsters are way more fun to fight than zombies. They simply have more going for them in battle.

  • This game knows how to build some damn fine tension. I can’t pretend I’m genuinely scared or anything but I appreciate the way this game can take its time to build to the batshittery.

  • The villains all seem like they’re gonna be very entertaining and colorful bad guys to deal with.

  • Ethan’s dialogue continues to be hilarious both intentionally and unintentionally. He comments on every little thing so much that you’d think he was Solid Snake in a former life. But genuinely reacts with an appropriate amount of “holy fucking shit!” when things go screwy. It both gives him personality that makes me like him and makes me laugh at him at the same time. Point is, he’s making me laugh and isn’t just cardboard, so I’ll always mark that as a win.

  • The way this game uses sound is spectacular. So is the way the castle always looms no matter where you go.

So far, loving it to bits. And I’m already eager to replay some sequences early on to see how much better I’ll do in a new game + mode.


Lmao I didn’t even know you could use the flour, I just ran straight past them. Could have made that first “survival” section a lot easier.

I think I’m at the end now, played most of the day yesterday. Says about 9 hours played, think about 1-2 hours of that is just me exploring the map and trying to find everything. I’ve been enjoying it, mostly enjoy upgrading my weapons. The rifle is really satisfying when you get those critical headshots, feels a lot like RE4 in that way, which the rest of the game does too, you can tell they took a lot of the DNA from that game.


Oh yeah, if you hit the flour with a monster nearby, they’ll be stunned by it for a good few seconds, leaving them vulnerable to some shankage, or give you a window to run away if you need to.


I’ve just finished the castle area and I’m loving it so far. I had my doubts when I entered the village for the first time, but the castle is stunning, beautifully designed, atmospheric and a joy to explore. The boss fight for that area was a good one too.


I do hope that Capcom haven’t wasted their best villain by making them the first to fall (Dimitrescu). Heisenberg looks decent, but the other 2 Lords don’t look particularly engaging based on first impressions

Sounds great. I’ll probably be picking this up soon then. :sunglasses:

Nah, 3rd floor. Remember the place you get a key from but also the licker room in the leads to the balcony of the Library. If you return to that location in RE3 remake the wall is intact. RE2 it’s either blown open or smashed open

I gotta wait. looks like my package is stuck in transit. I cant wait to switch gears from being a lil cautious and scared to an absolute TANK of a character. Is there anything like the tactical vest in this one?