Resident Evil Official

Just finished it, I thought it was alright, don’t really feel that strongly about the story (the Ethan plotline was never really interesting to me in the first place), besides maybe the end credits stuff. The best thing about are the visuals, some really impressive stuff going on with this engine.

Going to mess around with Mercs now and start a new game+.

@NightFox You don’t get a vest, but you do get upgrades through cooking things.

Ethan is Meh, i have this problem with games. if i dont see the characters face in cutscenes i have this weird detachment to their character. Maybe i just need to see the emotion, anger, sadness, fright, in their face for me to appreciate them more.

is there a samurai Edge?

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You can’t even see his face in the model viewer, it’s blacked out lol.

And not that I’ve found yet, there are a whole bunch of unlockable guns though, might be hidden right now.

Also, I’m having a blast with Mercs, almost as fun as RE5.

Why the hell are they blacking out his face? there is actual art on his face right? ive felt that ive seen it before somewhere online. I guess the reason CAPCOM does this is the same reason they keep messing around with Chris’s face and physique. they want to be able to change it on a whim without fan backlash, dumb but calculating.

I honestly cant wait for mercs, I still Play re5 mercs atleast once a month, ANYONE OUT THERE WHO WANTS TO DO RE5 MERCS, dont be a stranger, i love this mode still.

To my knowledge, this is never explained. Probably cut content.

Damn! I’m seriously bummed I don’t have time to play it and you already finishing it up! :sob:

Asking the important questions.

I can totally see this being the reason.

I feel like I’ve seen it too and was like “who tf is this?” and my sister had to tell me it was Ethan lol.

Not art, but you can see his face when you wake up as Mia in RE7 and just take it from there.

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Holy shit, that escape room-esque puzzling section when you first arrive at House Beneviento with the giant baby might be the most effective horror the RE series has ever achieved. Seriously, seriously unsettling stuff.


I’d say that was my favourite part of the game.


Just finished the game. Overall, I got to say that I loved it, and thought it was a pretty phenomenal experience. I’d say that it’s a better game that RE7, all things considered. I was certainly much more invested in the story, and cared a lot more for Ethan than I thought I would. He’s still a bit lame, but at the very least he’s less of a blank slate than he was in RE7.


Like most RE games, the final third isn’t as strong as the rest of the game. Loved the Village “hub world” structure they implemented was tremendous, Castle Dimitrescu was a treat and House Beneviento was the scariest RE has ever been, but the Moreau swamp stuff took things down a notch, the factory was a bit of a chore (the soldats were annoying) and then we go all Black Ops when you play as Chris. That said, thought the final boss fight was a hugely enjoyable one. Bold of Capcom to kill off Ethan too; the first time they’ve killed off a protagonist in the series. Granted, it’s not as bold as it would be if they killed off Leon, Chris, Claire or Jill, but bold all the same.

I’ll play through this a couple more times. I hear the Village of Shadows difficulty is ruthless (and practically impossible without New Game + boons, so I may or may not swerve the platinum trophy.


I’m on my third playthrough now playing on Village of Shadows. Nearing the final area again, enemies almost always take you down to danger after one hit if you don’t block, so it’s been more tense. Been mainly using my infinite M1911 and focusing upgrading the V61 Machine Pistol.

Also, @NightFox the Samurai Edge seems to be a pre-order exclusive or in the digital deluxe edition, something like that anyway. It’s the version you get in RE7 with the long barrel.

yeah i;ve seen this before and how boring of a face. I guess nobody can ever surpass pretty boy Leon.

Borrriinngggg. well whatever I jus got the 1911 which is pretty good so far but i’m torn between the starting pistol and the 1911. heard the levi(is that what it is) has the capability of being more powerful but i’m not sure. Just got the crank for the wells.

I am very curious to know what’s everyone’s weapons of choice is for this game.

Had a look before and it’s called the Trauma Pack on the store that includes the Samurai Edge. It’s £9.99 for me which is a bit much for what it includes, I’ll wait for a sale on it.

Also, the 1911 is a much better gun than the LEMI, that thing is great when it’s fully upgraded. It’s the gun I used most on VoS difficulty. Although, I have the V61 Custom fully upgraded now and that’s even better.

Anyway, finished Village of Shadows difficulty earlier, I thought the last boss fight was going to cause some real trouble after I died a bunch of times, but I managed in the end. Unlocked the Rocket Pistol which I think I’ll get the infinite ammo for and then sweep up the rest of the trophies with it on Casual difficulty.

All I need to know is can you transform the 1911 into the Killer 7 (AMT Hardballer)?

Think I’m just gonna save up for the infinite S.T.A.K.E for my Village of Shadows run and just completely cheese it.

As hardcore of a resident fan that i am, I’d rather snap my disk in two than pay 10 bucks for a samurai edge, that’s fucked up capcom, especially considering how well you made this game.

This I can’t wait for this, ever since MGS3 i’ve loved the Scorpion, i bet it’s pretty late game though, would you advise selling the LEMI then?

Beat the game last night and I can safely say it is easily the second best RE game I’ve ever played after RE4. And once again, it seems I’m one of the few who actually quite likes the last stretch of the game like I did RE4 too.

Keeping things spoiler-free:

The atmosphere is simply spectacular in this game. The levels are really well designed and unlike most RE games, stay consistently interesting. There’s no secret underground lab for once (thank Batchrist above…) and the village remains an ever consistent presence as both a level and an interconnecting hub. There’s also additional incentive to explore the game because it does what I wish more games would; has secret boss fights you can find and take on that are wholly unique from the campaign. As well as a lotta really interesting asides and fun treasures to locate.

In contrast to RE7, there’s a real variety to the enemies and like RE4, late game, you have some pretty powerful monsters to take on in the last major level before the finale.

The boss fights are easily among some of my favorites in the series. There’s not only a bunch of 'em to keep things fresh in the less than 10 hour long campaign, but they all just feel like a million bucks to take on. Most are straightforward; run around evade attacks or guard to minimize damage, and shoot shoot shoot some more. But a lot also use their environment in really great ways, much like the combat encounters. The boss chases in the castle are pretty manageable, but when you’re trying to get around and Lady Enormous pops up, it can get really tense. One chase sequence at one of the lords places is, bar none, the single genuinely scariest sequence of any RE game I’ve ever played. And the boss fight at the end was a fun lil twist on things.

Ethan’s entertaining as a protagonist. He’s a complete moron but he’s an endearing moron, the way he always freaks out and gets more shit shoved in his body than a pornstar on an alien probing slab. There was one scene when something really horrific happened to Ethan and his reaction legitimately got the biggest laugh out of me that any RE game has ever given me, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t intentional.

This game has tons of replay value between going back and blasting your way through with stronger weapons or really delving into Mercenaries mode. It’s a lot of fun and honestly, feels like everything I want out of a video game. It’s not super long but in its less than 10 hour campaign, you get tons of bang for your buck.

It’s not without faults though.

Mercenaries is fun and I love some of the new twists and turns they added to it, but it’s not quite as addictive as RE4’s mercenaries because you can’t unlock new characters and so far, it feels like there’s a cap on enemies, whereas in RE4, they just keep coming and coming until the clock runs out. So it’s a lil harder to maintain chains when you can’t always find the enemies.

Not all the levels intersect one another organically like the castle or RCPD in RE2Make. So there is a bit of annoying backtracking for when you leave certain levels or when you go exploring.

I can do without half the enemy attacks being a couple seconds worth of micro-cutscenes. I know that’s kinda the norm with RE, given zombies are always humping you with their jaws, but if RE8 is gonna have so much of RE4’s DNA, it could benefit from having RE4’s brevity.

The factory is admittedly nowhere near as fun to navigate as the castle or the village, but I actually really like the enemy type of that place and adored the boss fights you take on in that level. It could’ve really benefited from more organic interconnection like the castle and village, but it was never painful to get through.

And finally, story’s a bit “who gives a shit” but that’s RE in a nutshell. I don’t play these games for their writing. And fair’s fair, it actually starts getting pretty interesting towards the end. Some elements feel a bit retconn-y, but again, I truly don’t care about the terrible writing in this series, so whatever. That, and the villains, while incredibly cartoonish and nowhere near as creepy as the Baker’s or memorable as Wesker, are also very fun to watch. Especially Heisenberg. He’s such an asshole and I love it.

I’m gonna go through the full gauntlet of mercenaries mode in all of its levels, unlock as much bonus gear as I can and replay the game in full a few more times before I make my review. But all told, RE8 was a smash hit for me. I loved this game from start to finish. It met my every expectation and exceeded it in a lot of ways.

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That’s the gun I’m upgrading at the moment. I think it’s the most powerful gun you can get in the game.

You get it after you finish the game. And yeah, I would. You can also buy your weapons back with all the upgrades and customization still on them.

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I still havent finished it yet, About to go into the doll forest, just crossed the bridge. I’m hoping tonight to put a few more hours into it. The truth is I’m wasting alot of time exploring the world, soaking up all the environment and really milking ever area for items. I got to say that this is a extremely enjoyable game in that aspect.


You and I are halfway close then, as I just finished the doll area.

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I finished it for the 4th time earlier, getting the trophy for not using more than 4 heals and shooting all those wooden goats. I’ve also fully upgraded all the guns I wanted to max out. Probably will take a break there for a bit, it only takes a few hours to finish, but it drives you crazy after a while.