Currently Playing

Ghostrunner 2, currently one of the free PS+ monthly games. I dropped off the first game pretty early, but this is very addictive.

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Replaying through the Bioshock Collection. Bioshock 1 was the first game I can remember playing that was a first person shooter (or was in first person at all, I used to be really against them for some reason), and I had a save just before Fort Frolic that I used to load up whenever I wanted a taste of that world again. I’m going for the platinum this time, but i’ve only got 50% of the achievements at the moment.


How do you feel about BioShock 2? I know it’s generally regarded as the worst but for me over time it’s emerged as my favourite I reckon.


I see more people say Infinite is the worst these days. 2 is my second favorite after 1. It has the best combat (setting up traps and planning for big sister encounters or harvesting bodies for ADAM is especially fun, and of course being able to seamlessly switch between using weapons or plasmids), and the story has grown on me more as i’ve aged. I only like 1 more because I think the characters and twist are really great.

I definitely agree, 1 has much higher highs. The only reason it loses out for me is because after the twist it feels like it peters out a bit. Stuff happens that FEELS like it should be a big significant thing with repurcussions but there just sort of…aren’t any. And the final boss fight is a little bit too cartoonish all things considered.

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Yeah, it is really goofy. I don’t think any of the bosses (excluding big daddy encounters) are much fun in 1. I can’t remember but I feel like 2 didn’t really have any human boss battles, which is another good thing about it.

And yeah, you literally become a big daddy in 1, then judging by the good ending they somehow revert it and Jack dies of… old age? Was he rapidly ageing like a Solid Snake? I know he couldn’t have been older than 2 or 3 during the events of the game, but the little sisters also looked adult aged judging by their hands in the good ending. Never thought about how the characters might be similar in that way until now. I know Dr. Tennenbaum did find a way to revert the big daddy process in Minerva’s Den for Porter, so maybe she helped out Jack after she got out of Rapture.

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been hearing over the years, little by little, thata its secretly the best one, or atleast worth one play through.

just started yakuza 6. owned it aince releaae but got burned out after playing close to 6 games back to back. this one feels soooo good though.


Yessssssss, 6 is one of my favourites, especially after the boring slog that was 5, hope you find it easier to complete this time.

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my biggest thing was the character switching. Im a kiryu guy, more majima too. but as much as i like akiyama, seijima to a lesser extent, i dont really want to experience the game through their perspective. im early in though, praying to god its now like 6 character switching

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anyone been playing helldivers 2? I’ve been playing the ever loving shit out of it and being gay with friends while playing lol :smiley:


I’ll alleviate your fears now my man, you play as Kiryu for the whole game.


is the northern blocked off section of the map always go a be like that? gotta admit I just been fighting dudes and leveling up. Just fought the Chinese triad at the back of Serena’s/sky finance.

Finally beat FFVI yesterday, thus ending my pixel final fantasy marathon. The only 3D ones I’ve beaten are 15 and Type-0, so I should get into all of those eventually, but now I can fully commit to getting the BioShock Collection platinum :slight_smile:


Ah, saved the best for last I see!

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Currently playing Death Stranding again whilst I take a short break from FO2 (It’s harder to play that game in short bursts than DS IMO). Hoping to finish it soon.

It’s really shaping up to be one of my favourite games, it just handles beautifully, its slick, fun and addictive with a great story and direction.

If it does become one of my favourite games, that will mean two of them are post apocalyptic games with the main character as a postman working with a larger organisation with a vision of rebuilding an idealistic version of the USA.


Death stranding may be flawed, but as with people I think the flaws just gives it more character. it’s was the right game at the right time for me. glad I plated it, doubt I’ll return to the original again though.

anyone try this ubisoft ftp game XDefiant? started up my ps, saw it and gave it a shot. For a ftp game it’s really not half bad. Biggest gripe is hero abilities, I wish online shooters would stay away from “ultimate” I say that but who doesn’t love chopper gunner in a cod type game lol.

I’m tempted by it to as a sort of filler game between games. I do miss the days when Overwatch took over my life, and Warzone was pretty cool for a while whilst Covid was happening in 2020. Wouldn’t mind something to scratch that itch.

Finished Ghostrunner 2, very good game. Tried for the plat, gave up, too difficult for little old me. So I’m sort of stuck in limbo for a bit now until my birthday in June, because I know for a fact I’m receiving both Jedi Survivor and Infinite Wealth then. Just titting around on Borderlands 2 for now, a game that I never finished.

Beat the story mode of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT yesterday. Both me and my dad have tried to beat it over the years, but neither of us liked the game enough to stick it out. The immediate cut to credits after beating the final boss is so funny to me lmao.

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Pretty much mainlining New Vegas again when I have time to game, but I am considering picking up Chivalry 2, anybody played it? I watched one of my homies play a few rounds and it looked like good old blood and guts fun.

Shadow of Mordor, about two hours in. Loving it.