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I doubt it. Maybe in Delta? As they´re perfectly able to do it with the Dual Sense´s adaptive triggers.
Think @NightFox has the bastard collection.

there no pressure sensitive face buttons anymore, this means follow up shot on certain weapons can be a real pain in the ass. you can still play it effectively but you will have to get use to pressing the left stick in to continue aiming down sights for follow up shots or Snake is just gonna lower his weapon. mostly. applies to automatics

The way I get around best I can on switch is I use the Hori split pad pro joycons. They have the back button so I map the click there to raise and lower weapon in 2.

This is a problem with MGS4 too. I tried to play it with a DS4 but couldn’t because you can’t sneak/run properly with the analogue sticks. Funnily enough I googled it and look at what site and user appeared: Dualshock 4 on MGS4. -

I have tried that before with a ps4 controller and I thought it was ridiculous.

Oh lol that’s me. Classic. So cool that site lives on. I don’t remember the creds to my acount, if someone could make that happen for me I wouldn’t be mad.

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Started on Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, which I never played. Was a poor Uni student in 2010, so I played ACII then didn’t jump back into the series until Syndicate in 2015 when I had a job.

So far, I’m into it. Which is good. I feared that I’d find a 14 year old game archaic and clunky, particularly after remembering how ACII played back in the day. The first hour is the most important when playing a game that’s showing it’s age, so it should hopefully be a good time from this point.


Ah I’m so gutted you’ll never experience the Brotherhood Multiplayer. One of my favourites of the entire PS3 era, just below BO1 Zombies and just above Uncharted 2 MP/Dark Souls.


I remember starting it when it came out and didn’t expect much despite loving AC at the time, I was amazed by how addictive it was. Impressive that it was all gone as soon as the next release was out.


I’ve finally beat Cyberpunk! Yay me! bordering 400hrs lol


Trying my hand at Blasphemous again. Currently at Library of the Negated Words, which I have NOT been enjoying… especially all the enemies that keep knocking me off platforms!!! The only metroidvania i’ve played to completion is Hollow Knight, which I really love, and I hope to add this one to that short list soon.

I need to get back to Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, which I got about half way through before getting lost and putting it down for a while (a year…). I might have lost my save data for it which is putting me off, but I really liked it and could probably stomach a complete restart, if only to see more of my beloved Miriam :heart_eyes:

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lol was so excited for this and in the end I barely touched it. Fell in love with Curse of the Moon though, did every sort of playthrough of that. I do prefer Classicvania really so it’s maybe not a surprise.

Got Curse of the Moon 2 but it’s co-op so I’ve sort of held off for the chance to one day make use of that.

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Well look who it is

It’s a sign. Guess I know what game I’m playing next.

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Beat Blasphemous! I didn’t do the Bloodstained: RotN side quest because it was a bunch of timed platforming nonsense, and I don’t feel like hating myself, ha. Back to Bloodstained now, and I was a lot farther in than I thought. I’m at the final boss now, but I might try to finish some side quests before I beat it. I apparently played the game without unlocking any of the techniques, so I should probably try to learn some of those so the final boss doesn’t completely decimate me… only a little bit of decimation :slightly_smiling_face:


Finished Death Stranding on PS4 the other day and now trying to 100% Sackboy ABA. The ripsnorter level can suck my d to be honest. My thumbs are too old for this shit.


Since starting a new job I’ve not been in the mood for something new like Dragons Dogma or exploding hordes of bugs in the name of Super Earth. I don’t have the bandwidth mentally at the minute. So I’ve gone back to Stardew Valley on my Steam Deck. Growing strawberries, tending to pigs who never go to slaughter, fishing and trying to put the moves on as many unsuspecting residents as possible is my idea of post-work therapy.


I want this therapy.


im hoping to jump into Ghost of tsushima now that ive plated Cyberpunk(even though im still playing it after i figured out the superhero/Morpheus jump). hoping watching Shogun will put me in the mood to play this.

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I’m 60hrs into FFVII Rebirth and still feel like I’m miles away from finishing it. Some of the minigames are getting really irritating now but Queen’s Blood is still excellent. Sounds like we might get some DLC based around it which is cool.

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I hated Queens Blood at first, but started to like it. Some of the mini games and side missions take up a lot more time than the actual story, so I haven´t really progressed either. Almost 70 hours and just started chapter 9, but still a lot to do in Costa Del Sol and Corel.

Fuck even I’m further on than that, didn’t think it was possible I could ever come across anyone that could take longer to get through games than me! :laughing:

I hated the Corel region but adored the Costa del Sol area. That theme is so bloody good, so relaxing to listen to. Didn’t love the minigames (although Nanaki’s ball game / rocket league copy had potential) but love all the party interactions in that area, especially Cloud, Tifa and Aerith.