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The PS3 had themes tied to achievements (FF13 did at least), and I don’t understand why they did away with that. The PS5 not having themes at all is majorly depressing. PlayStation always had themes and customization over Xbox, which is why it was always my preferred console, but these days they are pretty much the same and it’s more a matter of which exclusives you rather have.

I just want my cool Slime Rancher and and FF14 dynamic themes Sony, why must you go against everything I stand for?! :frowning_with_open_mouth:


This is my favourite PS4 theme, I don’t have a need to boot it up any more but wish I could transfer it over. Was only available through some weird Final Fantasy x Butterscotch promotion or something like that so I had no access to it but I bought a code over eBay and set up a NA PSN account just for it and it was so worth it. (Think it was eventually released for free though.) Tifa’s Theme is so beautiful to listen to in itself, but I also love how this would zoom out to a wider view of the stars, spent so many occasions just sitting staring at the screen for 5-10 minutes before actually playing what I was intending to play.


Couldn´t agree more with you guys. Miss the themes on the PS5 AND folders. For G´s sake, how hard can it be. No, I can now change my led light, and the beep sound. “Amazing job”, Sony.


Oh alright I missed out then, but that is a little surprising just given that it seems companies have entirely given up on making anything personalized for the user. Moved almost exclusively to PC around 2015, so the fact I cannot customize is now because I still haven’t bought a Windows key after building my current PC lmao. Even then, though, I’m sure some of you remember there were themes for Windows XP as well, that did not at all make it to Windows Vista. Just depressing all around, some of the color removed from the world.


I´m done with Death Stranding on PS4. All that´s left now for the platinum is to pee from the highest mountain. Or maybe on Higgs´ shelter. Can´t believe I´ve kept it in this long, my blatter should´ve exploded on episode 2.

Can finally concentrate solely on Rebirth now. Skipped the side missions in Costa Del Sol for now and playing the story part in Corel.


Been super depressed the start of this year and my gaming has gone off a cliff because of it. Anhedonia is a bitch, depression is the thief of joy.

But I started playing Hogwarts Legacy the last few days and I’m actually enjoying it. Love exploring the Highlands and Hogwarts, it’s scratching my itch to visit Scotland (I want to go, been visiting my dad up there multiple times a year since 2017, but I had a bad trip on magic dinosaurs up there over New Years and I’m in rehab, and if I go up there at the moment I’d almost definitely relapse on cannabis. Need to stay away until I know in myself that I’m disciplined enough not to do anything I shouldn’t be doing) and the story is interesting just by the setting and time period.


ahh man sorry to hear about it. well I guess now is the perfect excuse to dive head first into your gaming backlog.

thinking about helldivers II or finally getting to Yakuza 6. on the last missions for cyberpunk but sadly I just haven’t had the time to sit their and dedicate to finishing it. I also weirdly don’t wanna say doodbye to the Rocker boy, Johnny!

Anything other than Helldivers 2 and I’ll report you to my local Democracy Officer.

My Mrs. is really loving Mw3 zombies (for some reason) right now so I’m hardly getting any time on it. If cross progression becomes a thing I’ll have no hesitation buying it again on Steam Deck.


Lately I have been really back into my PS3, and seriously considering to get it professionally cleaned, cpu delidded, new paste installed, cmos and thermal pad replaced. It always was one of my favorite systems and it is in great shape so I’ll take preventative measures to keep my baby going another few console generations hopefully.

Right now been going through La Pucelle(PS2) for the first time, and replaying MGS4 and MPO here and there. Oh and the obligatory Splatoon 3.


my ps3 is still hooked up. I thought with owning the master collection I’d resign it but something in me is having a real hard time letting go of the system. no lie that era of gaming brought me a lot of joy. I gotta apply some thermal paste on my fatty too. I just wish I wanted to do it lol. Avent opened that thing in over a decade.


How the heck is your fat model still working? Mine crashed many years ago but I still have my slim model that I had to get after hooked up. Did my own replay through MGS myself last year (this was actually before the master collection was even announced) and got to MGS4 a few months ago but that fucking Frogs section in Act 1 in the hotel just annoyed me so I haven’t gone back (FFVII Rebirth naturally had an impact on that too).


The Bluray drive refused to eject on mine, so I had to take the case off and open the top of the drive and have it exposed so I could swap games. Had to power down, take off the magnet, place it on the seat, put the magnet back in place and power up to change games. I remember posting a picture on MGSF but I can’t find the post (unlikely it’s even viewable).

This was at least 11 years ago, possibly closer to 13 or 14, so I’m AMAZED you have fat PS3’s in any sort of functioning capacity.

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Have a working fat PS3, but don´t use it, out of fear it might die. :rofl: Using a Ultra/Super (?) Slim for gaming on PS3 now.
Never opened one up, but can imagine it´s harder than a PS4 or PS5.

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Fallout 3 broke my PS3. Operation Anchorage lagged so hard the PS3 froze and ever since then it hasn’t read discs. Used my housemate’s when I lived with him but now I only have mine. Found out that if you lift the PS3 up and hold it with the disc slot facing the ceiling when you put a disc in……it…works? Then you can put it down flat once it’s started reading the disc.

I googled it and others have had Fallout 3 do this to their PS3, so, thanks Bethesda!

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Mine is a fat model cechl01, 80 gig from 2008. Non PS2 disc compatible. Still runs and turns off amazingly. Never had a problem with it getting overheated or nothing. But I have two minor issues. First the disc drive sometimes makes me press the eject button a few times to get a game out. Never gets stuck and if it does happen most times comes out on second or third press or if I’m impatient I just press eject over and over and it comes out. The other is if I load a PS2 classic like say La Pucelle and I turn on smoothing right after the game starts it occasionally makes my PS3 beep red and shuts off. Other than that it’s perfect. They’re definitely out there still working. But they need maintenance. I think the chances overall of them all dying someday from ylod and such is blown out of proportion so people have something to debate over constantly.

@NightFox I can’t give up the ps3 even after having master collection for one reason. I cannot perform as well as I do in MGS2 without pressure sensitivity on the controls. Playing that game is like a dance and once I don’t have that feature it changes everything, especially in VR missions.


Totally get it. When you master the gentle button press while running with a rifle you can just quick hold up and run through on to the next area.

PS2 in that sense really was/is a different beast.

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I neglected to mention that I did this replay of the series on the Vita. First time playing MG and MG2 but MGS2 on the Vita was quite an experience, especially the Ray section on Hard. Not a chance I could ever do the Big Boss European Extreme challenge on that. Painful as hell.

Having it on Vita was such a cool experience for me. My fave game portable finally. I remember attempting full mission run and I just couldn’t do it. Three is strange as well. They work a lot better on Switch but still not great and very limiting. They’ll never be controlled on console again in that old style until another controller has p.sensitivity.

The DualSense doesn’t, despite its fancy adaptive triggers?

I don’t think so. I don’t have a PS5 and never played one. But I’m pretty sure they’re just digital buttons except for the triggers.

Can anyone confirm?