Retro Gaming Reverie: Share Your First Gaming Romance

Alright, fellow gamers, gather 'round! Let’s delve into the essence of our gaming roots. I’ll kick things off by sharing my first gaming love – the classic “The Oregon Trail.” Discovered it in an old library basement, dusting off ancient floppy disks. Those pixelated wagons and perilous river crossings defined my early gaming days. Now, reveal your OG gaming crush and let’s embark on a spirited journey down memory lane, paying homage to the games that ignited our gaming passions!

Update: Let’s shift gears and officially make this about video game character crushes! Share your favorites, from classic pixelated icons to contemporary digital heartthrobs. Let the virtual romances begin!


Cammy in Street Fighter. Been trying to figure out for 10 years how to ask the missus to put her hair into pigtails while wearing a thong leotard without her figuring it out. No luck so far.


lol teenage me gave my girlfriend at the time a mixtape for her birthday (I was broke) called ‘Cammy’ with a SF2 Turbo sticker of her on the CD. Said she looked like her(?)

and then later when we split up angsty teenage me made a breakup playlist called ‘Decapre’ lmfao


I like where natedog took this lol. imagine being a kid when tekken 1 or 2 hit. I had a horny boy dream about Nina Williams one night! say what you will those blocks were hot!

In terms of gaming. 90s arcade kid, sf2 but it’s original and the new challengers were in the arcade and those ate allooooottt of tokens as well as some tmnt, forgot which one but it starts in a burning building and 4 player coop! very fond memories of arcades and fighting strangers in a variety of games. mostly sf2, mk2, samurai showdown. I really miss that atmosphere


Death by Degrees starring Nina Williams on PS2 was lowkey made specifically for you horny pre-teens LOL.

As for me, I am unafraid to say it was a tie between Christie Monteiro when she was introduced in Tekken 4 and Gambit in Mutant Academy 2. I can’t quite recall which one came first, but I’m guessing Christie as I only began to revisit Mutant Academy 2 after I got the hang of Tekken.

And can anybody blame me for Christie?! Look at those polygons! Wow!

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I never played Tekken 4, but Tekken 5 Christie was hot af, a proper video game crush if ever there was one.

Claire Redfield in CVX was the first for me though.


That mouth is giving off serious sexdoll vibes.


Seems like there’s a delightful twist – instead of first games, we’re diving into crushes on video game characters. Not exactly the intended route, but hey, gaming memories are full of unexpected turns, right? As for me, delving into the gaming archives, my earliest crush was probably Lara Croft. That adventurous spirit and those polygonal angles got me hooked!


Yo Lara is a solid as hell choice! I never played the games sadly so I missed the boat but all of us knew of her!

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Absolutely, Lara Croft was an icon! Even if you missed the games, her cultural impact was massive. Any other gaming crushes or nostalgic favorites you’d like to share?

Lara Croft was something else back in the day. Loved the films where Angelina Jolie portrayed her and watched them frequently with my bro. We were obsessed with Tomb Raider to the extent that whenever we saw this advert in CineWorld cinemas, we said it was Lara Croft and it’s a joke among my family that she’ll kick the cigarettes out of our hands if we ever start smoking hahahahaha.