Resident Evil Official

Nah, the REmake is just better all around. I literally cut my teeth on RE1, it was one of my first PS games. I have the longbox RE1, and Director’s Cut. REmake is just a better version of that game. When I think of RE1, I think of REmake, not the original anymore. I’ve also played REmake more times than OG RE1 at this point.

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So I completed my hardcore play through of RE2 with Claire, absolutely loved it. Claire’s story feels so much more emotionally involved and with higher personal stakes. I think Claire’s is my favourite, and it’s definitely easier than Leon (hello I’m just gonna stun-lock every enemy with the acid grenades lmao).

Immediately played through again on Assisted with Leon to do a no item box run and did so, and also found out that map open time is equal to gameplay time! So I had a solid 2 hour run in frame, Soph came home and I used the map menu to pause the game for a bit, the TV goes onto rest mode - I turn the TV back on and suddenly the timer is at 3 and a half hours! But it’s all groovy, I’m not done with this game yet!

Quite excited once I clear one of them as S Rank to then do scenario B for both. I’m intrigued to see how it all links together to make coherent narratives.

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Claire is Clairly hehe, the canon run for me. I enjoyed leon’s campaign alot to but claire had the most emotional investment in this game, like you said this was her game. Dont get too hype for the alt scenarios, they didn’t put as much work into it as you’d like. DEFINITELY give hunk’s minigame a go. That man deserves alllll the cred he deserves.

What’s next for you?

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That was maybe one of the only downfalls of RE2R, given how extensive all 4 scenarios were in the original. I’m really surprised they didn’t do anything to even try to remedy the issues with RE3R, hell now that everything is built with the same models and mechanics I’m surprised we didn’t see RE2 and 3 merged into one big map, would be interesting if they did a game where you play the events chronologically from RE3R to 2, then back to 3. I suppose you can do it by swapping around discs, but having one big seamless story would have been excellent.

Just got S Rank on Claire Standard playthrough and unlocked the infinite Samurai Edge. Now I’ve got that, I think I’ll go for Leon B and Claire B and see what they’re all about. Ended up absolutely loving doing Claire’s route as fast as possible and I’ll be excited to try it again and going for S+ once I’ve done their B scenarios.

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Claire has a better assortment of weapons than Leon too, imo. The only one I really don’t care for is the Sparkshot, but I’ve never liked that piece of shit.

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Totally agree. Leon’s Matilda as a little P90 looking piece is cool at first, but Claire has all the better sidearms. Didn’t realise until this playthrough how broke Acid Grenades are to constantly stunlock bosses. :sob: Such a laugh.

Yeah fuck this hunk of junk, I might just leave it there in my next play throughs. It just takes up space!

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The sparkshot is phenomenal lmao, it’ll murder those annoying af G-Adults in the sewers in a single shot

Bumping this because I currently have Ganados all up in my ass. RE4Re is the most intense game in the series, they really dialled up the enemy aggressiveness. It reminds me of the first time I played RE4 and had a Ganado dodge a bullet, except it’s even more visceral due to RE Engine.

Anyways I’m about a third into the Castle. I’m still mostly blind on this game so I don’t even know if the Island is in this game still but I’m really hoping it is, and if not that the good parts are reworked into the Castle segment. I always found the Island a bit of a slog, but there’s some of the best parts of RE4 in that setting too like the lab with the Regeneradors and the batshit insane Temple of Doom mine cart segment.

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Found this in the attic. Wish I had a better box for it to put it in the collection.


I’ve never seen the case for RE4 before but that art is fantastic. It’s really of its time but in a great way.

Edit: Literally just completed my Standard Claire 0 Saves and S rank playthrough. God this game is so fun lmao. I think I’ll go for platinum for RE2R because the challenges are just such a fun way to play this game.


I heard you can cure that with buckshot and TNT!

Yeah the US version just had Leon’s big, dumb face on the cover being chased by blood thirsty Ganados, horny for an orgy of violence.

Congrats dude. RE2R is insanely fun. I probably replayed it about a dozen times, usually as Claire.

I’ve been applying liberal doses of buckshot and green herb.

Any of you fine people ever wanna co-op 5 or 6? I’m dying to find someone to go through those games with, I really wanna platinum at least one of them big I’ve never been able to find someone to regularly play with. PS only I’m afraid though haha.

Me trying to play any game other than RE2:


:rofl: haha. Can´t wait to start that game. But I have to finish GoW now or I may never.


Oh God, I played like 2 hours of that and at the time I’d just started RE2. My fate was sealed. I’ve not gone back since. :sob::smile:

I will not stand for this God of War slander. Game of the generation right there. Perfect blend of “Dark Souls for people who can’t get good” and incredible character development for Kratos.

But man the RE2 remake was incredible too. Only thing I have against it is that they really dropped the ball on the B scenarios. Everything else is gravy though.

I’m actually about to play OG RE2 for the first time in like 15 years. I had it on my PS3 (which just won’t turn off if I don’t take the power cord out) so I could have been playing it all this time. Gonna go Claire A/Leon B.

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One thing which I thought about this game is that the B scenarios just didn’t have enough variation - infact, majority of the game is identical. I think I would’ve really appreciated it being adapted to fit the story so that it coincides neatly with the opposite characters A scenarios a bit better - the best pairing is probably Claire A and Leon B, but it’s still a little messy.

In fact, RE2 would’ve been FANTASTIC with a random item roll mode, the absolute hype you would feel just opening up a portable safe and a minigun falling out. :smile:

Did 4th Survivor this morning - oh my GOD! What a fucking thrill ride. This game just doesn’t let up in moments which make me stand up and either shout “FUCK YEAH” or “THANK GOD!” lmao.

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I’ve seen PC mods that do this. Looks ridiculously fun.

Story of my life LOL

If it ain’t RE2, MGS3, SH2, it’s FNV! I always go back to these games. It’s like comfort food.


Yeah re2’s b scenario sort of kind of feel underbaked. it’s almost like the made the game one certain way but at the end of it all suddenly realize fans would go ape shit if there was no b scenario. I guess that’s why people were raving for re4 remake most is intake

on the topic of the re4 remake, i dont know if i really want to play it anymore. I ;ove leon’s character in OG re4, his jokes , his personality. it’s a major part of why i enjoyed that game sooo much as a kid. he’s like an action hero. Maybe when it’s cheap but right now i dont have a huge urge.

how do y’all feel?