Pimping with your platinums

I don’t platinum much games but i know when the next koj game comes out and the new master collections, i will strive for PLAT! very good guys. I’d probably go for more plats if i got a lil something in return, you know. maybe a lil badge like on steam profiles!

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#20 - The Last of Us Part I.

Platinum trophy #20 and my first platinum of a PS5 game is a fact. What a great game. I played through fast for my custom, just under 7 days, but it was a beautiful experience. In terms of graphics and story, soundtrack. Loved it. Left Behind was also a lot of fun to do and a nice addition to the story.
Among some people it may not be cool to say, but I loved that the platinum didn´t require multiplayer trophies; like grinding to a certain level f.e. Which made this story more enjoyable for me personally.

Edit, and:

#21 - Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade.
Lol, this one autopopped. Feels like cheating. But I´m going to play the INTERmission with Yuffie now and maybe 100% some things in the game that weren´t requiered for the platinum.

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I held off on posting in here until I’d bagged Resident Evil 2: Remake’s platinum. And boy, now I have it, I feel like I can just unload a whole bunch of years worth of how I used to be obsessed with Trophy Hunting back in the day. Here we go!

Assassin’s Creed II - My first ever platinum, like others in here, and the first game series which made me a fan of in modern console gaming. Getting this was just pure accident at the time, a game I wanted to do absolutely everything in and replay over and over.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - I really enjoyed this game when I was young, thought it was a lot of Indiana Jones style fun which I wanted from a treasure-hunting flick back then, and it’s probably the game which ignited my ‘trophy hunting’ era.

Tekken 6 - This was a joint effort between my brother and I when we had only one PS3 to the household. Really enjoyed working on this one together, and it’s the last Tekken game which we played through the entirety of together. We used to check with each other who had done which character’s arcade mode so we could do other ones and view the cinematics later in Gallery.

Skyrim - A ridiculously easy one, I remember checking my trophy list and realising the only one I hadn’t yet got at the time was to get a bounty in all 9 holds, so I just did it and put it on the shelf for approximately 5 minutes until it was re-released.

Fallout New Vegas - My absolute favourite RPG of all time, of course I platinumed this. I would’ve done everything on the trophy list anyway without needing to for Platinum. Just a stellar experience.

Fallout 3 - I played this after Fallout New Vegas and boy, I was incredibly disappointed. Actually just played it through twice and thought ‘that’s enough for me, don’t really care about Plat. for that piece of garbage’, and then a friend of mine came over and asked to play it and he Platinumed it lmao.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle - I was honestly just grinding this game, playing a lot to get Joleyne’s heart sweater outfit, and this popped. Had to play the story mode by skipping through all the dialogue and story boards to avoid spoilers lmao.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 - The fucking GOAT of all Tekken games, fight me on this and I’ll win (both in game and IRL over this argument). Equally as iconic as Tekken 4.

Fallout 4 - Boo this game is fucking shit! The DLC, Far Harbour, is actually quite good though and is a great light of the game. But it offered a lot of hours to sink into, and as I’d just moved to Uni, I was bored, depressed, avoiding work, and wanted to pour hours into something.

Tekken 7 - Far too easy, boring ass Plat. Not even a survival mode to complete for it.

Lego Pirates of the Caribbean - There’s a weird glitch with this game, where I’ve actually platinumed it about three times. The final trophy ‘Dive into the maelstrom from the top of the ship mast’ or something, is glitched - it’s popped for me, as has the platinum, but never saved. Not sure why, but I’m counting it anyway.

Ratchet & Clank - The PS4 remake/reboot/requel/whatever, incredibly easy again.

Persona 5 - I actually played nearly the entire game in the living room of mine and Max’s shared house at Uni with Remote Play via the PS Vita. I actually had a really great time playing this portable, and remember it popping just before we ordered Dominoes (which used to do this 2-4-1 offer on discount for Uni students). That doesn’t really narrow down when that may have been, as we ate an insane amount of Dominoes in that era due to the Italiano Range at the time, but it’s a CORE memory!

Marvel’s Spider-Man - I remember the final trophy I had to do was some ridiculous time trial, absolute nonsense. Respect to every single Spider-Man game I’ve ever played though for keeping in line with each other and always having stupidly difficult time trials/races which I rage at though.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor - God this game is phenomenal. Just amazing lmao. I platinumed this on a replay leading up to the second game coming out.

Middle-Earth: Shadow of War - Perfect. Just perfect. Down to the last detail.

Dragon Age: Origins - One of my all time favourite fantasy RPGs and the one which got me into a lot of Bioware games. I revisited this because one of the final trophies is a tough one, it’s determined by how many of the main enemy, called Darkspawn, you kill throughout the game. The counter often breaks though, so the only way to get it? You have to reload the very final battle and just keep fighting for as long as you can, in a wave-survival esq fashion. Fucking difficult but it popped!

Star Wars: Battlefront - Played this a tonne and still do whenever I visit home with my dad. I had this pop on one of the survivals I was actually playing with dad I think.

Spyro The Dragon - Phenomenal remake.

Spyro 2: Ripto’s Rage - The best in the series? Maybe.

Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon - There are so many random characters you play as in this one for NO reason!

Persona 4: Dancing All Night - I have the rhythm game trophy, but not the actual JRPG trophy? Why? Because I don’t have to goad Rise into saying random fucking voice lines in this one!

River City Girls - Great little Beat 'em up, excited to play the second one eventually, but I do hope it’s a bit longer.

Assassin’s Creed Rogue: Remastered - Actually really like this entry. Fight me.

Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight - I platinumed this one, but I didn’t have the energy for Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight. I’d like to go back to it soon. This is just TUNE after TUNE though!

Persona 5: Royal - Arguably easier platinum than Persona 5.

Ghost of Tsushima - Loved this game. Not sure, but I think I was depressed as shit when I played it, so I just sunk hours upon hours into it.

Call of Duty: World at War - I am so proud of this platinum that I can’t even really begin to express it lmao. This is an incredibly hard campaign to beat on Veteran, just grenades nonstop. Did this whilst I was visiting my parents and dug the PS3 out to take a nostalgic trip down memory lane.

Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales - Had to go back and finish all the collectathon shit for this one to platinum it and replay it a second time. Only got up my motivation to do so when I finished rewatching Spider-Man: The Animated Series from the 90’s. Thank-you, Peter Parker’s VA, for giving me strength.

Skyrim - Remastered - I played this recently when I wanted a game to just sort of wander around in and relax. Realised I had three trophies left to get - the Dark Brotherhood questline, the pickpocket trophy and the bounty in the holds trophy, so I just did them in that order.

Tekken Tag Tournament: HD - Played this for a bit of nostalgia and realised I needed some bowling trophies, so I went on Tekken Bowl and got like 6 strikes in a row and then practiced low-parries in practice mode and it popped lmao.

L.A Noire - Similarly to a lot of others on this list, played this initially for just a bit of relaxation and then realised I just had to collect 50 film reels for Platinum. So I just followed a guide.

And finally…

Resident Evil 2: Remake
Got this just now, feel like it’s been an absolute trip. But my 34th Platinum couldn’t be a better one. Probably one of my favourite games of this generation, and I’m excited to start RE3 now, but holy shit. What a ride!


Congrats with the RE2R cup mate! And wow, that´s a pretty great list. There´s a couple games in there, RE2R definitely, that I still want to play. Have to be selective though or I´ll be working on the same backlog when I´m 50.


Platinuk #32 - Horizon Zero Dawn

Completed this way back in 2017 and was so fatigued by the time the end credits rolled, I was done with it and desparate to play something else. Left about 50 odd collectibles scattered across the map as a result. 6 years later and I’ve finally decided to hoover them all up.

Probably because I’m currently feeling down after giving up on the RE4 Remake platinum and this was the easiest one to obtain in my backlog.


Feel a bit foolish posting this, but I’m two trophies away from the Platinum for Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition. Should , fingers crossed, get it in my next few play times. Just need to complete Citadel and beat a Spectre level opponent in the arena!

This will most likely be my 7th overall Platinum. Feels like I should have more than 7 but it is what it is. I love all the games I have platinumed, no games where I’ve bought them just to plat, all of them story heavy games. I feel like my trophy list reflects me as a gamer pretty well.



Why?? :sleepy:

Congrats on Horizon though. :trophy:

Didn´t post, but 100%'d Final Fantasy VII Intergrade a few weeks ago. Weiss and Pride&Joy are pretty crazy, until you find the right tactics.

Same here, that´s all I´ve been doing for years now.
When they started with trophies I didn´t even care for a very long time. Then around 2010 I platinummed some games on my old account and quit.
Now I only play games I really want to play and try to 100% them. But it´s never been about trophies. Just playing great games for 100%, like in the good old days. Still playing and exploring every inch, or so to speak, even after getting the platinum.

Too hard, struggling to complete the game on Hardcore with an S+ rank. Took me an eternity to do the cabin fight with Luis, but I got up to Mendez with basically no resources, died a couple of times and then gave up. Might revisit it, but I’m wasting too much time on it.

Yeah, start something else now bud. After some time start fresh on RE4 and maybe you´ll get it done.

To be fair, I’d already given up once before, but then I played the Separate Ways DLC which made me want to have another crack at it again. Don’t see myself revisiting it unless there’s more DLC.

Really wanted to get this Plat before the new game releases, and I did it tonight! Had about 50% of the trophies already unlocked, and shit I platinumed it on PS4 years ago (IIRC it was my second or third ever Plat), but I’m happy that I managed to get it done.

Here’s hoping SM 2 is: A - as good a game as this one, and B - has a similar trophy list.

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Sorry to double post:

I set myself a challenge a few days ago. I had just finished Spider-Man Remastered and had about half the Trophies left for the Platinum. The challenge was this: get the Platinum in SMR, Miles Morales and then see if I could get my next closest Platinum before Spider-Man 2 releases at midnight on Thursday.

I smashed SMR, had a great time Platinuming Miles Morales, and I just this second got the final two trophies in Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition.

The last Trophy that popped before the Plat was “The One and Only” and was by far the hardest Trophy I’ve ever unlocked, even playing on Medium Spectre opponents aint no joke!


Platinum #34 - Ys IX: Monstrum Nox. Very fun action JRPG. The correct amount of challenge for a platinum trophy. Takes a bit of work but nothing overly strenuous or back-breaking.

Also got the Spider-Man 2 platinum, but everyone and their nan will have that one. One step away from being My Name Is Mayo on the ease-ometer.

  • Death Stranding: Director’s Cut - Got this a couple weeks ago. Didn’t really anticipate getting the platinum when I started the game but everything about it just grabbed me. In a strange way…even though I’d put in over 100 hours I was slightly disappointed with how quickly after finishing the final chapter I was able to get the platinum. I thought I was in for a longer haul. I guess you could say I was stranded with love!

#22 - Death Stranding (Director´s Cut)

Finally did it. After keeping it in the backlog for so long because I wanted to play the Director´s Cut. There´s so much to say, so many details in this game, but it would be too much. Only a few negative points for me, but I can´t say these are flaws in the game. I wish structures would last a little longer. I feel like I can´t not play this game for a week and come back without having to repair or replace all my zipline routes. Another thing is the short “cutscene” with the spinning Odradek when you are very close to BT´s. At this point it´s a bit annoying. Still playing on Hard though, maybe it´s that.
What makes this game great for me? The free, big, detailed world. The cinematic and the soundtrack. The gameplay itself of course. Finding different routes, building roads or ziplines. Managing supplies, materials, tools, your backpack and bringing everything to a successful conclusion is satisfying. This through the beautiful surroundings with soothing music is very relaxing. You can play this game for hours on end or you can simply make 1 delivery of 10 minutes and close it again after a long working day.
It’s not a game for everyone. It´s sometimes tedious and complicated. Bizarre, but interesting. Profound. It´s so grey, but also so colorful. But at the same time it´s a story about simple things such as friendship, motherhood, relationships and duty. I’ve never played such a creative game before in my life. A uniquely enriching gaming experience for a seasoned enthusiast.
I’m really looking forward to DS2.


The start up one? There’s an option to turn that off. I think it asks whether you want it when you start your game too. Maybe your especially long playtime is starting to make sense LOL

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I hope you´re joking :sob: haha fuck me. That will have added to my time for sure, but I´ve been just roaming as well. Just Yesterday I created another safehouse and filled it up. Repaired all my ziplines and every road. :flushed::nerd_face: I´m trying to get the remaining interviews and reports, but lost track of where I still need to deliver to get those…


Shiiiiieeeet. I remember reading this, but completely forgot about the setting.

yeah this plat was more busy work but i just put on a few tracks and podcasts so it was still enjoyable, congrats!

I might give the cyberpuunk 2077 plat a go, wasn’t going for it but i’ve literally done sooooo many just by messing around, i’m like only a stone’s throw away.

Got the plat for Ghost of Tsushima, but unfortunately I did it on my partner’s PSN account, so I’ll never have the shiny gold star to say I did it to show off to everyone (unless I did it again which lol nah).

Wonderful game though.