Metal Gear: Master Collection

Alongside the MGS: Delta announcement, Konami announced they’ll be doing (presumably) multiple volumes of Metal Gear remasters, beginning with Volume 1. Volume 1 will not include only MGS1, 2 and 3 remasters, but also the MSX titles Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2.

We’ve also had screenshots released of the master collection in action with MGS1, MGS2 and MGS3 - all look like pretty standard affair and not too different from the MGS HD collection.

Undoubtedly, MGS2 looks probably the most aesthetically pleasing of all those screenshots - but for PS5 (and potentially PS4?) owners, we’ll have access to the back catalogue of classic games again at ease.

Anybody particularly excited for this? I’ve actually had a bit of an itch recently to replay the franchise, and I think I’ll still do so on the PS Vita - but I look forward to having the opportunity to do so on the PS5 eventually as well when I have one. Maybe this will also kick my ass into gear to play MG1 and 2!

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So I can play the HD collection on the console with one (1) game instead of on my PS3, or PS2, or emulated on my laptop as i’ve been doing for years? Damn where do I sign.


Absolutely! The fact this is the first volume is intriguing. I can’t lie, despite my problems with MGS4, knowing it’s potentially down the road is exciting.

I’ve probably played MGS4 the least (not counting MGO), and I’d like to go back and play it again with fresh eyes and a more mature mind. Alas, my original disc is fucked beyond repair from numerous rage quits due to box popping cock mongers.

They’ve really made it hard for us to enjoy the series over the years, haven’t they?

Woaah! Easy there, Captain Jack!

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I own many legal copies sir


Looking forward to playing MGS3 and not having to deal with the pressure sensitive button mechanics that couldn’t be replicated outside of using a PS2.


Eh… it’s a shame that Snake vs Monkey and Guy Savage likely won’t feature. It’s a sorry state of affairs that the only truly complete version of MGS3 is on the PS2.


Nor the demo for Evolution Skateboarding featuring Raiden and Big Shell. I beg the question, what is the point in this pathetic attempt at profiting from the fans?

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Won’t be getting it as I’ve already been playing through the series again on Vita but glad it’s coming for anyone that’s been waiting for it.

For anyone hoping for MGS4 in a future collection though, Jez Corden (one of the people that leaked this collection’s existence before the showcase) said it won’t be getting remastered at any point. I think it may be forever locked on the PS3 at this stage due to it’s complicated build (“THE CEEEEELLL” but in The Fear’s voice). People have also pointed out that this might not definitely mean we get future collections despite the wording on the official site and it being listed as “Vol 1” as Konami released a Silent Hill and I think a different franchise Vol 1 collection and never followed up with a Vol 2.


Still waiting for the KOTOR remake announced nearly two years ago at this point, so I can wait a long time for an MGS4 remaster.


Yeah about that…

Not definitive but doesn’t sound great.

Great. I’m crying now. Thanks mate.

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Do hope MGS1 gets trophy support, at least then I could use the little bronze trophy as an excuse for making Snake perve on Meryl doing situps in her underwear.


I got a bronze trophy from watching Meryl do crunches in her undies IRL!

I’m lowkey more excited for this than I am the Snake Eater remake haha. Especially that MGS1 includes the Special Missions. Haven’t played any of those since I was a wee lad, never managed to unlock Gray Fox either.


The thing Im worrying about…hopefully all the archival footage is still intact. i dont want this version to be edited. But yes, i still have a ps3 hooked up just to play bits of mgs when i have the urge, lol.

“Includes the classic versions of the games, complete with minor copyrighted modifications.”

Not sure what kind of mods…

Hmmm hard to know. The war footage licence had expired right, that was the reason the games and HD collection were delisted from digital platforms? Maybe it was never renewed or it wasn’t possible to do so, so perhaps they’ve had to work the dialogue in those scenes over something different. Could also be smaller stuff, like I remember seeing the posters of women in lockers in MGS2 were originally from FHM (or at least it was in the PAL version), but in the HD collection they were generic images with no branding and including men.


This likely refers to the same stuff that wasn’t in the original HD Collection.

This is why I still have all the games on their original consoles-well that and the box art