Gaming Chat

What do you guys think, PS5 or new gaming rig? matter of fact what consoles are you guys playing on these days?

Also any of you guys been collecting any gaming memorabilia lately? it’s been so long since i bought a fig or collector’s edition.

Still on PS4 and recently got a Switch for the youngest kid. I want to try some Zelda or Metroid, but didn’t get to it yet.
My stepson is saving for a PC rig now. In the mean time he plays on his laptop. He’s more comfortable on a PC for some reason. I can never get used to keyboards, and it’s just too expensive for me.

I recently got a Death Stranding Nendoroid, but other than that it’s been pretty quiet in terms of figures.

The first purchase in a long, long time is the Bethesda Shop ‘Yes Man’ figure from Fallout New Vegas:

I bought it, treating my inner-collector which used to be RABID about this shit, but I haven’t even unpackaged the cardboard box which it was in, and I’m unsure I will. I might just store it in my parent’s loft for a long while until I finally decide what to do with it (or have more room for it). I think it’s likely to become a long term investment, rather than anything I’ll put on display.


It’s been a minute since I bought any figures. I’ve returned to MGSV at long last, I want to say this’ll be the time I finish it, but who knows what will hook my attention next.


I was replaying GZ the other day, trying to clean up any missing tapes and challenges. Really enjoy doing that sort of thing, and GZ is a small enough, detailed space where looking for things without a guide doesn’t feel daunting but it does feel quite intricate. I really do enjoy GZ a lot.

Going back to my parents from Thursday to Sunday so I’ll likely be doing stuff like running and swimming mostly, taking advantage of the countryside and seaside proximity, but in my downtime I really want to get back to playing Rayman 3 HD.


GZ is another one I gotta redo. I don’t remember remember it, and I only played it the one time, unfortunately. And I played it on PC, and playing MGS on a PC feels weird, imo. Going to replay it on PS4 soon.


I’m not really into figures or anything, but now that I’ve got my own house, I want to turn the 3rd bedroom into a “nerdy office” kind of space, so I want to get some cool gaming artwork on the walls.

But like, something artsy that represents a game, not just like a game poster or something. Etsy will probably be my best bet.

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Isnt this sthe story with all these cool things. You wanna have it but got noplace for em. pretty sick though. I’d love if you could change the face images

Like a fallout vault , or the torture room from mgs1 :smiley:

So Summer Games Fest was a solid B- from me, enough there to sink my teeth into without getting me REALLY hyped. Will of course buy The Last of Us remake even though it’s not really necessary, The Callisto Protocol seems really cool (and was the best among the billions of sci-fi horrors on display), and there were one or two that might catch my attention if they review well, such as Layers of Fear.

Anyone else catch the stream?

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Damn extremely positive reception from yourself considering what it was IMO. I’d say it was an F for me. Really nothing on display which I was a fan of, presentations were boring and lacking charisma. Games looked boring and generic. Somehow the part that gripped me the most was the TLOU TV Show chatter and I haven’t even played those games.

it’s over? What was even announced?

Like 50 Dead Space clones and a TMNT beat 'em Up


I fucking love GZ and I’m sickened I only played it the once (although I played the hell out of it). It’s really the last real MGS game we got. MGSV had a lot of good with a lot of bad which was a product of a lot of things that came to a head (Kojima’s auteur nature becoming too much of an issue, Konami first giving him too much leeway then doing a complete turnaround and locking him in an office to get it finished no matter the impact, etc.), but GZ just felt like a nearly perfect example of what he could do and how he seems to sometimes work better with limitations (and sometimes I think this is an industry-wide feature). It felt like the perfect amalgamation of early MGS (a defined, large-scale indoor setting) with what MGS3 was (outdoors and more free-roam, but still within a specific area rather than open-world).

Also I got an Xbox Series X out of nowhere. Kind of regretting it in a sensible sense, I won a bit of money on bets and fantasy football leagues and told myself I’d do something with it I needed since I don’t spend much on myself, got the missus something first and planned to leave it at that. Then had a pretty shitty week with a lot of things going against us and just life being a bit exhausting mentally and emotionally from everything small and big. Continued on into yesterday and I was just in a bad headspace of “yeah just do something stupid and unnecessary without thinking it through”. So here I am.


The selling point for one of those games is that it featured Troy Baker and Roger Clark, strikes me as a bit of a red flag if the selling point of your video game are the voice actors featured within it, rather than what the game itself actually is.


Sad to hear of the passing of voice actor Billy Kametz, aged only 35. Probably best known for playing Dr Maruki in Persona 5 Royal, and Ferdinand Von Aegir in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, among a plethora of other Japanese games.

Anime fans would probably know him best as Josuke Higashikata.


Don’t know him as Josuke since JoJo is always a subbed anime for me, but he gave really great performances as Maruki and Ferdinand. His contribution to P5R added a lot to the character. sad to hear about such an untimely passing.

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Koiimbo just announced he’s working on an Xbox/PC exclusive.

Interesting! Dislike exclusivity shit like this but I have a PC so really 0 impact on me if I want this when it’s revealed.

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From what I’ve read in the week it seems like it’s cloud-based which explains why it’s with someone like Microsoft/Xbox. Supposedly will be episodic in nature too and might involve stuff like dropping things into the world while you’re playing unannounced and without patches (this is just based off of things Kojima mentioned about cloud gaming before, supposedly the Sea of Thieves team has been trying this out recently). But this could be a different game so I’m not sure. Someone (a reliable reporter, apparently) said they received footage of this last week and said it was called Overdose, KJP asked him to take down the info and he didn’t but if that was the same thing it seems that they’d announce a collaboration last night and show absolutely nothing and say it’s a long while off.

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it has to be two separate things, we can only wait and see though.I know one thing. if this man is focusing on xbox i’m just gonna build a pc. i was looking for the drive to get a ps5 and if he gonna give me the cold shoulder, well i’m gonna be a pc gamer this gen!

I think it’s just a one-off project, Sony don’t have cloud tech like MS or Apple do so he pretty much has to go with them if he wants to try it.