Gaming Chat

I’ll have to give it a lil peek too, I hope the humor doesn’t make me start rolling my eyes and have seizures.


So I’ve noticed a trend this holiday season from games. Namely triple A games that would have been hyped and followed till their drop have been falling on their face resulting in a lot of upset people. Now I’m not near the gamer I used to be, my most recent bought game is REVIII. These trends are alarming though.

  • Battlefield 2042 was, I knnow on here at least, hyped by marketing and dreams of what could be. I think one of us (Wayno?) said it might be the reason he finally jumps to next gen and leaves me alone back here in old gen. I’ve heard its release was buggy and that a lot of players have left it already. You lose 70% of your player base in about two weeks? For a big triple A game that focused solely on multiplayer that isn’t good.

  • Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition won the award for “how many words can we shove in the title?”. These are games from the PS2 era and it looks worse now. Combine the funny looks with glitches and bugs…what are we doing R*?

  • Halo Infinite also seems to be a hot mess. You know, the last time I pre-ordered a game was Halo Reach in 2010. This series was my jam. Now unlike the other two, this one is free to play for multiplayer. Now I don’t know if you’ve played COD recently, but it has a battle pass. I was told Halo Infinite would too. Ok, free to play, 343 needs to make money off multiplayer, I get it. I won’t say I’m happy about it because unlocking stuff in Halo’s multiplayer was always supposed to be from skill and achievements (or trophies for you Playstation people :face_with_monocle: ) but ok. This being one of Microsoft’s big flagship series and one that had a long development time, my hopes were kind of high that it would be better than Halo 5, which kinda sucked. They apparently gutted the battle pass in favor of just direct microtransactions in their store. If you want to actually unlock everything, it costs $1035 to do so. For 88 boxes. That’s… pulls out calculator a little under $12 each? We’re getting very generous with the term “micro” transaction aren’t we? On top of that, there’s no dedicated team deathatch playlist. Just one playlist with all the objective modes and deathmatch rolled into one.

Is it me, or does it seem like games, particularly around the holidays, are just meh at best? Like full of features players don’t want or missing ones they do? Full of bugs and junk that they just pushed out anyway? I mean what’s the mindset here? “Just ship it out early so we get our early bonus, we’ll fix it with updates later. It has to be out for the holidays! Mom won’t know the game is half-assed when she buys it for Christmas anyway.”

As a critic once said:

Maybe I’m just ranting at this point. I want to like gaming but it’s giving me every reason not to. :frowning_face:


Games around the holidays is what companies released to suck every possible dime out of you, everything is released broken or with predatory marketing schemes to suck our wallets dry At least with halo i’ve always been about the story so i dont care tooo much about the multiplayer, I just hope it’s a good one though. had alot of hope that this one will be better than the last 2 games.

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True, but still I remember good holiday games. Halo and Skyrim for example have been great Christmas gifts for me. They provided hours of entertainment for the next year if not longer since they didn’t have yearly releases.


I noticed right around when PS4 came out that the holiday game “season” started to suck. It’s been on the decline for years, unfortunately I don’t think we’ve hit rock bottom just yet…

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The rise or microtransactions, battle passes, all these types of things is what put a fork in it. There’s still a good handful of games that arent predatory but they’re fully focused on single player. Multiplayer games now, you’re basically in a Vegas, chances to win big, glitz and glamour everywhere, even if you dont plan to spend money the temptation is always there!

@Black_King or anytone for that matter, who’s playing the new halo? on what system?


Sadly I think you’re spot on. Gamers used to make fun of mobile gaming and now…and now it has become the very thing it swore to destroy.

I haven’t played Infinite yet. I got Halo 4 and 5 close to release and they were alright but never left me awestruck like Bungie’s games did. I may take a look at it, but the campaign needs to be great and multiplayer fun for me to rank it up with Bungie’s Halos.

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It’s the best out of the new trilogy. It’s no halo 3 and co-op isnt in it yet but it’s a fun romp.

I’m hoping to have something new to play by tomorrow morning!

Has anyone here played the ZOE2 PS4 remake? I saw it in the store under the January sales for a few bucks and was wondering if it’s worth it? Eventhough I rather buy fysical games. Was planning to buy the PS3 HD version but this might be better.

And what about Nioh 1/2?

So, what are you guys’ gaming resolutions? Backlogs? What are you buying?

I have a small backlog, but since I’m gaming more it will probably get bigger.
Also trying to get a Vita, PS5 and Switch. But yeah. :sweat_smile:

Been playing Stellaris lately. Gets addicting after a bit. :laughing:

Backlog is mostly old series I just never picked up. From my list we have:

Dragon Age series
Portal 2
Red Dead Redemption 1 & 2
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt
Wolfenstein reboot
Gears of War series
Assassin’s Creed series

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Looks like you’ll be good for a few months. :sweat_smile:

Mine is small for now:

  • The Last Guardian
  • Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  • Death Stranding
  • F1 2021
  • Catherine: Full Body

Then there’s trying to improve completion on TR, RotTR. Both have been on 74% for ages, thanks to MP trophies.

And I’m probably adding:

  • Resident Evil 2 remake
  • Hades
  • MGS5: The Phantom Pain

Probably! Not sure when I’ll start tackling it though.

Oh hey, I played that one last year! What’d you think of the first two?

Brilliant game.


I’m going to start playing Deathloop again this week I think. It’s really good but I kept getting caught up with work to properly get into it.


I just started Deathloop the other day. Only a few hours in, but I’m finally at the point where I can freely enter any district I want and basically do what I want, and I can’t wait to dig in a little more.


Yeah, when it opens up it becomes super interesting but also a bit overwhelming. Where to go first? What to do first?

I’ve been focusing on picking up slabs and infusing them.

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I don’t know if I’m close to the end of the game per se (does it end once the visionaries are dead?) but I’m fairly close to figuring out the puzzle in terms of how to kill them in a single loop. The pieces are finally starting to come together.

I’m quite pleased that there’s still a little bit of hand-holding once you’re left to your own devices. It’s pretty easy to stumble on to leads, and then it’s a case of just tracking it and getting a map marker to see where you’re going. People who wanted a proper challenge might not be terribly happy, but I can’t be arsed wondering around the same 4 maps forever wondering what the hell to do next.


I finally started playing Witcher 3. While fantasy isn’t my taste, the combat and complexity of detail has pulled me in…

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Did you finish it yet?

I finished it the other day, I really enjoyed it. Like you I was happy for the hand holding. I’m not one of those super hardcore guys who wants everything to happen organically.

I did yes. All 3 endings sucked but it didn’t bother me too much as the story isn’t what really hooked to be begin with. Gameplay was pretty phenomenal, I must have done a “whole day” a good 6 or 7 times trying to perfect the loop and it didn’t get boring at any point.