Game Sessions

Not sure how much people here are still playing for trophies/achievements, but since I need to boost a bit for multiplayer trophies I thought I’d make this.


I’m looking for two or three players that can help me with Tomb Raider (PS3 reboot). If you guys still have PS3’s. :sweat_smile:
There’s no rush. I don’t even have a mic headset yet. But if people here are up for it I’d appreciate it.

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Wtf that game has multiplayer?


Lol yeah. :rofl: It’s been dead for long. I’m not a huge fan of multiplayer, but I’m 6 trophies from getting the platinum and 4 of those need at least 3 players.

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And I don’t suppose there’s any crossplay between PS3 and PS4? I own it on the latter but haven’t ever played it.

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Super Smash Brothers?

(The way this couldn’t just be “Smash?” Because of the character limit lol)

Also ditto to Max’s comments. I’ve got them on PS4 and if we can crossplay, I would love to.

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I’d like to try to run it on an emulator but I doubt every internal function of the game would still work right, so idk if it would even work for multiplayer. I still never played that game haha

I’ll look at this thread though and I’ll join in if and when I can

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On Switch? I recently got one for my daughter (…:eyes:) with Just Dance. Smash Bros is one of the games I still want for myself.

I don’t think crossplay is an option for the first Tomb Raider.:disappointed: Rise of the Tomb Raider is another one where I need to do the mp section. If anyone is up for that in the future that would be cool.


well shoot I have smash bros but no online membership. curse them and their godforsaken maintenance and overhead costs

for real though if anyone wants to play anything on PC, even freaking barbies vegan puppy adventure, I’d be down so do hit me up



I own that too. That’s the third one, right? (Basically I own the trilogy on PS4). Once I’m done with the first game I’ll move onto them. Enjoying Resident Evil too much atm lmao. But they’re not long games so I’m sure I’ll be back to Miss Croft soon.

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Second one. That’s cool mate. :+1:t2: Whenever you’re ready. I’ll add you. I’m “ippikitako” on PSN.

What’s yours, @DirtySpaceDuck ?

Great thread idea! I haven’t been doing too much multiplayer lately, just some Ready or Not here and there and GTAV. Paul and I wanna get back to hosting big multiplayer nights eventually like we used to do in the old days on the other forum.

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I love this idea! is anyone up to possible play some Peace Walker? you gotta have a mic though, i’ve been thinking of giving it a go again, first time since the PSP. anyone up for it let me know

OHH and also Ready or Not on pc, I’m itching to play more of it as a team!


I’m still down to play stuff with some of you guys but I can’t just jump into any game or group now. I am online a lot so pm me somewhere if you feel like playing anything.

lmk when im down for PW anytime.

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Been playing the ever loving shit out of deep rock galactic. If anyone wants to have some shiny space mining fun let me know sometime!

Are you being for real?everyone i ask to play PW laughs and tells me no :frowning:

well i hacked my ps3 to play mgo, so idk if i can now…i gotta figure out how to spoof an account so i dont get BANNED!

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Mate, any chance of you being free for some Rise of the Tomb Raider in the next couple of days?
I’m pinned to the couch this week and can play during the day.
No pressure, just putting it out here.

Sorry for not responding this man! I’ve been so busy lately. I’ll install ROTR when I’m back home today and hopefully in the coming weeks I’ll have a patch of time to game with you.

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