Death Stranding

I feel like I may have short changed the directors cut. It had been about a year since I’d played the original so jumping into the directors cut just felt like the same sort of thing.

However, I put the original on tonight to try mop up the trophies and fuckin hell. The differences between the two are so subtle you barely notice them until they’re gone. Loads of quality of life elements which are in the directors cut which id never noticed were new. I’ve got to hit google again now to see who has orders for which person and can’t use zip lines with floating carriers anymore :frowning:

There’s a cool race track and ranked orders in the new one too. Ranked orders are a good way to get materials for roads.


I did the sneaking mission too. Couple of nods to mgs but it is literally about 4 missions. Get some cool gear out of it though

definitely worth the upgrade if you enjoyed the original.


Cool. All I needed to know. I have this game still sealed for like a year already. Knowing the Director’s Cut was coming I never started it.
I’ll get it on PS5 then.

Only 4 sneaking missions, well that just deflated me. I guess i’ll wait for the price drop, or if it’s like a $5 upgrade. I hope in future death stranding games you get the ability to maybe come across another porter out in the world. It doesn’t have to polulate more than 1, i’m just thinking how cool it would look to see someone out the corner of your eyes tripping over rocks!

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I´m playing this as soon as I get the PS5 installed.

In the mean time, some pics of the CE I recently got:

Can´t really see the lighting in the pod. May have to switch batteries, or maybe it´s just like this.


Same energy.

For real though, that’s actually a pretty sick CE. Seems really unique in a good way which I’d love to display for the sheer weirdness of it all lmao.

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Right? Thinking the same. Just not sure where yet. Also don´t want to ruin the shiny pod. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Strap BB to the hood of your car! No better way to show it off!

Real talk, I didn’t even know they made this! It’s insanely cool. I’ve got the roll of the tape and the steel case edition of DS, and my wife has a dope DS hoodie.

I just want that case BB is served in though. I’m obsessed with boxes.

It´s huge. :sweat_smile: The case. The CE box is bigger than my PS5´s box.
Speaking of my car though, I might have an idea.

I think you need another one, then you can hang them from the hood like chandeliers.




Pretty mad. It’s good to see this game available to so many people.


Pretty mad it will be on iPhone… :neutral_face: How even?

I´ve finally started Death Stranding. Was thinking of starting another game first, but I´ve been pushing this back for much too long.
Didn´t play much yet, just the first delivery and cutscenes.

Does the time you take to deliver count in your delivery? I saw distance traveled doesn´t.

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Only 7 hours in, but… wauw Kojima.

Although the “interaction” with other players is nice, some things like the signs with smiley faces, for me interfere with the tense apocalyptic experience. Was a bit weirded out when I saw a hologram of that giraf from Horizon. That´s my only complaint. But I guess that´s also Kojima.


I came across this voice line the other day. Maybe it was planned from the start!!!

I’ve just recently restarted it on the PS5, after only getting about 15 hours in way back when on the PS4. I don’t really know why I ever put it down to begin with-though I do do that with games I suppose.

I’m loving it, I’m on Chapter 3 now which is around about as far as I got before, but I’ve engaged with all of the systems far more than I did the first time around.

In my experience, it doesn’t seem to. I’ve accepted orders only to leave them in a private locker for real world hours, and still got an S when I eventually delivered them.

I think that’s the whole point. How in the face of such existential horror, when the world is at it’s bleakest, a tiny display of positivity from someone else, even a stranger, can help take your mind off things and keep you going.

Are you playing the original or the Director’s Cut? I know I found it absolutely hilarious in the PS4 version when Sam exclusively drank Monster Energy drink. I’m actually sad they swapped it out in the DC lmao

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Cool. I´m about 12 hours in, almost done with Chapter 2 I think. As usual I´ve been doing side quests a bit too much before progressing with the story.

Yeah, I knew why it´s in there. Don´t take my comment too seriously. I like it, and it does give you some air and it takes your mind off things. There´s just so many signs out there in some places. :rofl:

Haha, I had no idea there were Monster cans in the original.

I never played the PS4 version… Bought it long after release and when I heard about the Director´s Cut I decided to wait until I got a PS5 to play that.

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I’m really glad you guys enjoyed it. It was such a change of pace for me when I played, building stuff, leaving hints, plus learning Kojima’s fascination with ancient Egypt (I should have remembered he made ZOE) IDK it just hit me. If this game just got released during covid it’d have hit differently. Enjoy boys!

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Loving it at the moment. I just LOVE how relaxing it is to just do some random deliveries without being pushed to continue with the story. So nice to come home after a day of work and do just that. Will have to move on eventually though haha. Haven´t seen a BT for days.

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It´s probably right under my nose, but how can you check what you have already crafted? For the Homo Faber. An icon of some sort, somewhere? Edit: found it.

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Where is it? I hadn’t even checked the trophy list but I know I’ll need it at some point. What chapter are you up to?

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When you go to Fabricate Equipment and open an item there´s a check mark. Or empty box if you didn´t make it.

I´m a very long way from completing the trophy list, but thought I´d make sure I don´t forget to craft stuff.

I´ve been fucking around and upgrading my postboxes, generators, building roads for almost 50 hours and only got to episode 3 :rofl: Think I´ll be well over 300 hours when I complete this.

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