Death Stranding

Some more Death Stranding photo mode shots. Enjoying myself with this as well, in between jobs:


Mr. Kojima retweeted my truck. :open_mouth:


I had work today but was going out to a gig yesterday evening and wasn’t going home afterwards meaning I needed my steel toed boots but didn’t want to actually wear them out, just have them with me. I also had to drop a parcel off to an InPost locker (

Walking around with my boots attached to my backpack and a Ludens charm hanging from it too, transporting a parcel to an automated delivery machine that opens up with no human contact…felt a lot like the Great Deliverer himself

(Dramatic Recreation)

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Awesome. How did you fix the figure? I have it from the CE, but it only came with a cord and mini stand, and there´s no hole or anything to fix the cord to.

Yeah this was so stupid. The way it’s advertised showing it as something you can attach to stuff but just coming with a crappy piece of string lmao.

I had a bunch of phone charm cords lying around and crushed a small piece of metal around the tip ( :roy: ) of the protrusion ( :roy: ) from his helmet ( :roy: ) so that the ring connected to the cord would stay attached. A fair amount of engineering just to use a product as it’s advertised lmao

The Waystations are quite a bit smaller in the UK…

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More DS Photomode:



Just watched this.

It’s very interesting going back and seeing the promotion and trailers that released before the game. I went on a media blackout for Death Stranding after the second trailer I reckon. Stuff like the fact that the game had human enemies, combat, vehicles-it was all a reveal for me. I wanted to preserve that mystery of what the game turned out to be (though by the sounds of it that was preserved for the most part even with the trailers lol).

It’s got me wondering how I now want to approach Death Stranding 2. On the one hand that element of surprise is great, but watching each new trailer and coming up with theories and speculating with others is a different kind of great experience. Though I suppose this place maybe can’t facilitate that the way MGSF could, and I don’t want to be a reddit boy… Maybe I’ll be forced into the former in this brave new internet community world.

Also really liked this quote from Kojima:

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Feeling similar. I´m curious where the gameplay will go. UCA is connected. Roads and structures have been built. Unless we´re going to another continent, I don´t see us connecting and delivering much. :thinking:


long, hard day of work Yesterday


I´ve been a good boy this year. Another repost by the master. :face_holding_back_tears:

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Tbf this is a sick shot. Repost is highly deserved!


Thank you sir! Since this post he´s reposted my pics another 5 or 6 times. :flushed: I think he´s trying to say something. :roy: Guess I´m gonna have to invite him for a drink.


Tried to give this game another shot and I’m sorry man I just can’t. There is just…nothing, absolutely nothing of substance outside of strong art direction and a solid soundtrack. It has an interesting first 1-2 hours but then it just stops there, I’m not opposed to non traditional games or walking simulators but these games rely on context to be interesting and Death Stranding dulls the senses with poor writing and a convoluted story. The core gameplay loop is a novelty, but I could get the same novelty doing Uber Eats shifts on the weekend. What is there to talk about?

It’s Kojima’s writing unrestricted and brought front and center and it’s failings really, really shine.

You literally just stopped there, after 2 hours, looking at your PSN profile. (?)
Then I´m sorry but this opinion about the game

The game definitely isn´t for everyone though.

Just wandered through the eerie expanses of Death Stranding again, and damn if that desolation-to-connection theme isn’t hitting me in the feels every time. The contrast between the wastelands and the fragile ties we build through the Strand got me thinking.

In this latest run, I’m seeing shades of Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road” – the stark emptiness and the powerful bonds formed in the midst of chaos mirror the vibes in Death Stranding.

And, you know, diving into Albert Camus’ “The Plague” adds another layer. The whole existential exploration in the face of an inexplicable crisis feels like a cousin to Death Stranding’s narrative complexities.

With Death Stranding 2: On The Beach announced, the hype’s real. It’s got me revisiting the original, soaking up the vibes before diving into the next chapter.

Anyone else connecting these dots, or is it just me vibing in my own headspace? Keep on keeping on,


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I´ve just watched The Road for my third of fourth time. Can absolutely feel that connection.

I´ve been replaying the game, but on PS4 this time. Obviously going much quicker. I can see what they´ve tweaked in the Director´s Cut and think that is the best version to play for anyone who hasn´t already. I don´t mind the load times, but there are some important quality of life improvements in the DC. I´m playing it on PS4 to experience the story for a second time and to understand everything a bit better; and just to experience it how everyone else did when it came out.

Totally not to get a second platinum, right?

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Lol, seriously the extra platinum is a cool bonus, but I honestly wanted to just do it again.

Ippikitatko, diving back into Death Stranding on the PS4 sounds like an adventurous journey. It’s intriguing to hear your perspective on the Director’s Cut enhancements. Anything specific that you found to be a game-changer with those tweaks? Reliving the story for a second time is a noble quest – may your journey be filled with new insights and memorable moments!

Well as I mentioned, the Director´s Cut just makes things easier.

• Picking up cargo or chiral chrystals while staying on your trike.
• Using floating carriers on ziplines.
• A support skeleton only for DC is available earlier in the game.
• When delivering to a prepper shelter by truck, I notice I have to park against the entrance while in DC I could park like 2 meter away from it f.e.

Then there´s other things like menu enhancements.
• Being able to hide online structures, and every seperate type of structures.
• How many likes your structures have are visible on the map in DC.
• Savefiles are organised in DC, although you can´t remove them seperately anymore. Not that I need to now on PS4.

I´m sure there´s more but those are the most significant to me, for the main story. Then there are obviously the addition of the ramps, cargo catapults and racetrack.