Tournament 1: Tekken 8

When are you free Bread?

Potentially Tuesday night. Potentially Friday night. Potentially Saturday night.

Have to play it by ear again I’m afraid, I’m definitely busy Wednesday and Thursday.

Lets try to do it tonight let me know when you’re free

@Agent I’m free for the next hour but I won’t be able to play after 8

@Bread cool i’ll get set up

I’ve made a session called bread. Passcode 1222.

Well that was humbling


Score/result? @Agent @Bread?

(Don’t want to just assume it was 2-0!)

It was 2-0. Do you want to finish losers side next and then do a session with me, aragorn and the winner of losers?

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Wonderful. That’s exactly what we’ll do.

@Bread when would you be free to battle me my dude? I’m quite flexible!



Quick what’s the dirt on agent what’s his main?

If his main you wish to know, think of the fighter who’s closest to snow…

The main of Agent of which you seek, perchance has a scar upon his cheek…

Agent’s main that you haven’t heard of? To his close friends he goes by-


Not who he used against me.

@Jassassino Friday night or Saturday night look like they might work for me, I’ll see how things are tomorrow night.

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@Agent c’mon bro you really had to pick a SSS+ character? :sob: i have nightmares about those + frames

I don’t play Dragunov in this game I stand in solidarity with Ukraine


Saturday night should be good! How’s it looking for you atm?

Not got any plans at the minute. The baby’s bedtime is 7, so once she’s down, I should be free for the rest of the night.

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@Bread I just got in and ate - you good to go?

Didn’t see this last night Jass, I was already in bed. Free tonight though, but again I won’t be staying up too late, I’m an old man now.

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All groovy man, is 9pm good?