Skin Petals, my first art magazine, is out now!

hey everyone,

for anyone interested, I self published my first art magazine, called Skin Petals! it is available at Skin Petals by Nicholas Valdez | Blurb Books for 9.99 USD. It’s a small compilation of my favorite pieces I have done over the past few years. NSFW art. Thanks for looking :slight_smile:


So lotsa thick hentai girls then? upload a vid of you reviewing your own book!


my proof copy arrives soon, I will do just that!

Congrats on launching this, Nick. I’m poor so it’ll have to wait before becoming a coffee table talk point!

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all good bro I get it, money is tight for a lot of us!

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Just went to buy this cause I remember your drawings you’d post on MGSF, but the shipping my way is $25. Sorry man, that’s over double the price of the mag!

oh shit, i had no idea. i may have to do an ebook version in that case

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Well where’s the Pervert Gamer Review?

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