It seemed to add a lot of entertainment to the main page of MGSF, and there was always something funny to read or post in there. Just a suggestion really because I don’t know if it would even work on this site.
There’s a few shoutbox plug-ins for this CMS, I’m not sure how well any of them work. If enough people want it though, I’ll start researching.
I’ll cover it in the first site news video, and throw a poll up too.
Orgs would be better than a shoutbox IMO, maybe without the private forums to foster more of a community. I don’t know why but I never really liked the shoutbox.
The shoutbox takes posts away from threads, sure it brings in more temporary traffic but there is less substance in threads because discussions are happening in the box too and the focus of this whole thing is good discussion. If the community wants it I’ll institute one for a short period of time to gauge traffic and such, but in reality it’s low on the priority list right now and requires a lot more research on our end.
Makes sense! I hadn’t thought about it like that. I’m not sure if this even makes sense but the way I was thinking about it was that the shoutbox could be a place for people to post their short form shitposts and save their longer/better ideas for actual threads. I’m glad without a shoutbox too really
True, which is why we thought it necessary to have a general off topic chat for this. That being Motherbase Mega Chat.
Having a shoutbox up may be a time exclusive thing. if we can figure how to implement it, maybe we’ll put it up during a e3 press event of something. Shoutboxes kind of do sap the energy away so it’ll be an ongoing discussion on how and when to implement it, if we ever do, thanks for the recommendation!
Now that’s an idea I love. Shoutboxes during big events. Hmmmm opening doors in my mind.