Reporting in!

Hey, everyone! I was told about this place by some guy called Paul. I was Suede on MGSF, I joined in 2014. It’s good to see some familiar faces already. This place is looking pretty nice!

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well.


Ohh looks if it isn’t my pal, guess you’re going by frost now! pretty “cool” :clap: ! Welcome to MGL! i hope you enjoy yourself here! Make yourself at home!

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Hey thanks!

Welcome to Metal Gear Legacy!


I hope you like frosting!

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:smirk: Who doesn’t like frosting? Even a freak like me eats frosting from time to time.

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LOL good to see you here though, frost, hope you become a pillar of the community here!

Hi! Great to see you here too! :snowman_with_snow:

Been a long time… comrade


Ayyyye Suede, good to have you here!

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