MGSV - General Chat Topic

Holy shit man, I’m so sorry for that. Did he even credit you for what he’s stolen?

The guy has an absolutely fucking infuriating little cartoon fuck as a mascot, really infuriating.

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Nope. No credits, no asking for permission, niet. I actually only found out about this because a subscriber was kind enough to leave this comment on my review:

Hey Keiv! YouTube recommended me something interesting today:


Most of the clips the guy used in that segment of his video are I believe from your video (and some from your GZ video as well)! Due to his generic, uninformed viewpoint and the fact that he didn’t credit you anywhere in the video or description, I assume he didn’t ask for your permission to use your clips. That is pretty douchey considering that that segment was his biggest draw (thumbnail) and talking point. So this is what must have happened:

  1. He wanted to shit out a quick video and came up with a catchy title before any content for the script.

  2. Did the most rudimentary of research, and stumbled upon a fairly popular 2 and a half hour analysis/critique of MGSV, which might as well be THE most comprehensive analysis of the game.

  3. Surprisingly, looked at your channel further, encountering your GZ vid (some of the clips he plagiarizes are near the end of your vid as well, implying that he must have watched at least some of it).

  4. Didn’t give enough of a shit to actually sit down and pay attention to any of it.

  5. Downloaded your videos, plugged them in an editor, spliced in a few clips from some other popular channels, and recorded a voiceover completely misrepresenting the clips he was blabbering over.

  6. Called it a day. If you listen to a word of what he says, you could instantly surmise that the guy hasn’t listened to a word of what you had to say.

Worst of all: the guy has a sub count of approximately half a million, and his video has already received 80k views over the blood, sweat and tears of your hard work.


Dude this is fucked. I know it won’t do anything but I’ve reported the video for Child Abuse. The least I can do is paint this asshole as a pedo.

Have you started a copyright claim?

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Don’t think I can since I don’t own the rights to any of the footage I recorded from other games. What I did was send him this message via twitter. Figured it was better than nothing:


My name is Keivan. I’m the guy behind the “Keiv Reviews Things” youtube channel. Someone shared with me your latest video about unfinished games and I saw that virtually all of your gameplay footage of MGSV and GZ were from my video reviews of both games.

I understand that Fair Use is a bit of a tricky subject when it involves copyrighted material. After all, I don’t own the rights to any of the games I reviewed, and none of my footage was watermarked. However, I do think that, ethically speaking, if a channel of your size is going to download footage from infinitely smaller channels like mine and use said footage for edits you didn’t make, then you could, at the very least, credit said channels for providing the footage that you, yourself, did not record.

I ask that you please credit both myself and whomever else’s footage you used for that video, and please do so in the future with any other videos you make with paid sponsors that uses footage from smaller channels that don’t have those means.

Kind regards,

~ Keivan

I hated being nice about it because this guy’s other posts make him out to be this dickheaded “anti-PC” dipshit…which is a wee bit embarrassing given that he’s 42 years old and still acting like a neckbearded twat. But I also don’t want anything I say getting used against me or some shit, so I always try to be civil about anything I can online.



Seriously, Fuck him dude, there’s a level of hell just for people who make money off of other’s sweat


I have far, far more things to say about this game in the future as I’m currently replaying it but I’m honestly blown away that I forgot that (keeping up with the awful, pretentious, trite television show theming) they have a “coming next in chapter 2” trailer that goes ahead and spoils the next half of the game you’re currently playing xD


MGSV is a game of contrasts. The gameplay is amazing, but the story is weak. The game has some highs and lows. It’s both a masterpiece and a mess. It’s my favorite and least favorite Metal Gear game. I know, it doesn’t make much sense. But that’s how I feel about this game.

Nah, that makes perfect sense. There’s an overall feeling of wanted more out of it when playing. The gameplay, the guns, the action, the stealth…it’s all SO good…but the story and settings…leave so much to be desired. I know it’ll never happen because Konami doesn’t have the cock to do it, but I’d love to see MGSV in a future master collection as an expanded edition. All the cut content, plus more. MGSV feels like it should have been a much more grandiose experience.

That said, I gotta boot it up again. It’s been a minute since I played.

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Just found this site and feel the need to tell my (kind of) funny MGSV story

MGSV was my second Metal Gear game after 4 (I know, absolute worst game to start out with lol), so I knew pretty much nothing about the characters or story (besides the venom snake twist). When I got to Quiet’s fight I was like “oh great a sniper” and proceeded to fail miserably at the mission for a while because my aim is trash, until I eventually took her down.

I don’t know why (maybe because you just hear their voices most of the game and don’t see them often) but I had a really hard time differentiating Kaz and Ocelot’s voices from one another, all I knew was that Kaz was my buddy and I didn’t really trust Ocelot. So when one of them was like “kill her (quiet) boss” and the other wanted me to take her back to the base, I stood there for a long time trying to figure out which one was saying what so that I could pick the option that Ocelot didn’t want because I’m petty like that haha.

I guess I stood there for too long so the game prompted me to pick her up and put her on the chopper. I realized that’s what Ocelot wanted so I tried shooting her, but the game disabled my guns. What the game did not disable, however, were my GRENADES, so I stood back, chucked one at her, and she blew up.

I didn’t realize until after a beat the game that I missed out on a entire mission (and a pretty engaging side plot) because I felt like being petty, but it’s still one of my fondest moments with the game.


LOL that’s fantastic honestly.

I remember Dirty Duck telling me you could kill her a while back I think and it surprised me to hear it. Her side story is chunky, and playing with her as your mission buddy puts the game onto Easy mode lmao. I thought you’d just never be able to kill her.

Also, welcome to MGL!

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@SammyIsNotCool welcome!

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Same. I like MGS voice acting in general but those two in MGSV sounded too similar. Not great since they share a lot of dialogue and are supposed ot kind of be opposing forces.

You learned quickly then :slight_smile:

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For me with TPP it has taken me 3 chances all varying between 50 to 70 hours, never fully completed the game. Started playing it when it came out, had PS3 version when I only had that, I hated it. Didn’t really think it would be so bad but the pop in was very off putting. Then when I got a PS4 my first game was TPP and I dumped another good amount of hours. Pretty sure I tried another failed attempt somewhere down the line. I wanted so much to love it. And a lot of the capabilities in gameplay are so simple and amazing. But for the life of me I could never fall in love with the game. Eventually I wanted to know the story so I watched it for the sake of knowing and tacking it to the rest of the story for me to memorize. As for music I hated it in this game. The 80s stuff and the lack of true MGSy style songs was such a shame to me. It just felt so alien in every aspect.

Now I have an Xbox One X and literally currently replaying it taking it slow, not slow in barely playing but just enjoying it all I mean. Now I am in love. I love the gameplay, the graphics, the music. It is such a blast to get those soldiers scanned play a cassette and start taking them out however I want. It’s amazing how I came around in the end. I’m trying to 100% this time. But I really think this is finally it. I was on the hate train for years but after saying fuck it I’m gonna give it the truest of chances no matter what I started to love it. Even the normal tone type music is very atmospheric and it works. You just need to listen closely and there are tunes there just not as bombastic and obvious like classic Metal Gear. And music tape 1 has a lot of non 80s original TPP bangers on it. Can’t wait to see how much more I like it as I go on.

But yeah that’s my TPP story. Hated it three times, loving it the fourth.