MGSV - General Chat Topic

I loaded it up for the first time in ages a couple nights ago on PS4 and the first thing it showed me when I got back to Motherbase was the nuke disarmament cutscene. Right after that though Kaz said people were making nukes again.

Anyway, this game still feels great to play and still looks pretty good. Shame the Fox Engine went to total waste after it.

Konami ditched it for UE5. I wonder if V’s model can be naturally integrated into that engine or at least replicated since so much of the MGSV team is still there.

Almost definitely. Tekken 6 - 7 went from an in house engine they developed specially for SC and Tekken to UE5 and they were so easily able to replicate the game without much hassle at all. Fuck, there’s even some leftover copy and pasted Tekken 5 data according to miners from where they could just put it in with no qualms. UE5 is an incredible engine for its versatility and user friendly service from what I gather.

That being said - I love when developers specifically cater the engines to their needs. It really pays off and you can tell when its tight, especially with legacy engines and games. You only need to look at Bioware transitioning from a build of their engine used in ME2 and Dragon Age Origins over to the DICE FPS Frostbite engine to be able to tell that the formation of the game is just not right.

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From my understanding, Frostbite was not kind to more expansive game models like that and caused all sorts of development hell for the studios EA ate up, right?

But that’s good then! It means that MGSV’s foundation can still be used in a future game without some of the limitations that had apparently come with FOX Engine.

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I believe so! If you consider the sort of differences between BFV and DA, it becomes painstakingly clear that it is going to be an absolute headache to develop games of that nature.
But - it is a damn beautiful engine. Star Wars Battlefront 2015 is still one of the best looking games on PS4 and I’ll die on that hill.

God I hope so. I’ve really got into the swing of MGSV now and holy shit, this game has such an addictive loop. It’s been a while since I’ve been so into a game, everything about this is just so tight and satisfying. The ONLY qualm I have (with the gameplay) is the terrain sometimes - I’ll be prone, laying on the ground and as I brush up against the side of a rock, it’ll make me auto-stand? Why? Just stop me moving! I don’t want to have to restart a mission and run 10 minutes to the location just to have an auto-stand have me caught out.

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That’s exactly how I’ve always felt about V. It’s why I’ve continued playing this game for almost six years now and put almost a thousand hours into it. For my laundry list of issues, none of it changes the fact that this is just the most entertaining video game I’ve ever played.

I knew I wouldn’t be the only person who hated that part lol.

Seriously. Kiefersnake can literally punch a tank to death (with blast arm), but crawl over a slight incline and he can’t help but sheepishly rise to his feet in embarrassment.

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I liked Kiefersnake’s performance. Hayter is the king but Jack Bauer killed it too IMO. Too bad he has like 10 minutes of lines, and that’s including the cassete tapes. Maybe he was too expensive for Kojima, who knows.

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Nah, my brother’s a video game voice actor hooked up with a lotta folks in the know. The rule is your rates are always agreed upon beforehand and a studio generally doesn’t hire an actor if they can’t afford to milk them for all they’re worth. After all, same year they brought on Kiefersnake, they had Sir Patrick mofuckin’ Stewart talking his head off in Lords of Shadow along with Robert Carlyle, Jason Isaac and that one Game of Thrones actor, all of whom would be of equal or greater price than Kiefer.

In MGSV’s case, it was some misguided but conscious decision on Kojimbo’s part to create a character who you could transplant your POV on. Like he wanted you to feel like you were Kiefersnake, even though if I had that choice, I would’ve thrown down with Skullster and his goons in mission 30 instead of taking that magic jeep ride.

Kojimbo’s a dude who doesn’t think beyond the surface of his ideas. He wants us to be the Big Boss, but doesn’t give us the tools to actually determine how the story plays out. So we’re still observers instead of participants, but observers to a character who is mostly bypassed so the characters can address you.

That’s why I legit believe Kojima desperately needs an actual writing partner to temper his questionable / bad ideas or to do more with them so they work properly. People think that was Fukushima, but the dude didn’t have nearly as much say in the first 3 MGS games as we’re often led to believe.

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I mean i do think Koj thinks alot about his ideas, whether or not he’s effective of putting it into a easy consumable form is another story.

have any of you guys been infiltrated recently? Back in jan when i was on a MGSV kick, i was surprised how amny high level folks raided me. i mean SUPER high end folks. my base was like a daily target. i had to drop rank and stop infiltrating DEAD bases.

Only a few people are still playing FOBs and they’re all mostly dudes with high level staff and equipment and some are even cheaters. I rarely login to MGSV these days but I’ve been infiltrated at most 3 times in the last 2 months.

Wow, 3 times in 2 months? when i was playing regularly i was get like 4 or 5 a week. I was moving up fast int eh ranking, probably got put into their pools. Those high end FOBS are so tedious to infiltrate, i avoided them.

I haven’t been raided once because for my review, I just created a new account and played the whole game offline. My main account? Probably obliterated by now.

Honestly, while FOB isn’t for me, mission 22 is legitimately the best sequence of MGS gameplay I’ve ever experienced. Without the high level BS, the platforms are so well designed and perfect for any playstyle.

Reaching Mosquito undetected is thrilling. And just fighting my way to the top is an adrenaline rush.

What would’ve made FOB as good is if it were casual and more customizable. Like being able to design your own platforms and create unique uniforms for your guards with specific goals. That’s dream mode status right there.


Does MGSV not have face camouflage?

It does in character creation, I believe. If you’re playing on PC, there’s tons of face camo mods.

Fuck I really am beginning to regret not getting this game on PC, if anything just to put Quiet in a sneaking suit rather than a bikini or some fuck ugly fatigues.

  • Edit - Oh wait I didn’t even have a PC when I got this all those years ago, duhhhh. Maybe I’ll look out for it on sale if I ever wanna replay it.
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I’d strongly recommend it. MGSV on its own is a game that’s got tons and tons of replay value as is. Infinite Heaven adds so much more replay value than it already had. You can change so many variables to create a game as hard or bombastic as you want. You can turn motherbase into an enemy takeover with enemy choppers, XOF, all that jazz. And you can create your own missions if you’ve got the time to learn Side Ops companion:

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So she has two alt outfits, as soon as i got her XOF uniform it wa pretty much all i put her on. Look i’m an over the top full blooded male but her default outfit is just sooo uncool compared to the xof stuff. Am i ashamed of my words and deeds, bet i am, i shouldn’t want to cloth ladies!

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This game is just… very poorly made, sometimes.

I just finished Mission 30 last night and I had a long segment with Skullface telling me… something? I literally couldn’t hear a single fucking piece of his dialogue because I haven’t been able to find the audio sliders (which has already caused me numerous problems) and his entire long speech along the car journey was absolutely drowned out by exterior sound effects. First it was the helicopter blade, then my footsteps (?), then it was the car itself. Any time I got a snippet of the conversation and his long speech, it was totally incomprehensible and/or out of context to the extent that I didn’t have a single clue. Why is this game so keen on self sabotage? I’m suddenly fighting Sahelanthropus and I have absolutely no idea why.

Edit: Just Googled, there is no fucking audio settings? Seriously?

Sometimes, vehicles will sound right next to me when in fact they’re 3 minutes off and I’m prone waiting for nothing. Fuck, why on Earth would you put so much work into such a great and satisfying engine and then refuse to let people turn up character voices or enable subtitles for cut scenes (not just general gameplay and enemy dialogue)? This just reeks of stubborn, childish bullshit.


That Jeep ride was the most autistic thing i’ve ever seen in a video game. It’s what happens when an idea guy who doesn’t actually play games runs the show with no one to curate him or tell him no. I now think of TPP more as a tech demo than a completed video game. The best TPS mechanics ever made, wasted with zero level design, poor world building and no narrative. Like any long time MGS fan, your opinion of Kojima will lessen over time.


Luckily I was never a fan to begin with, so I get to skip the disappointment!

For fucking real. I have no idea what spun through his mind when he directed that. Fuck, I feel stupid for taking the piss out of his kitschy rip-off cutscenes with obvious film influence littered throughout in earlier games now. I would have killed for one of those as a replacement.

Definitely beginning to agree somewhat. What this game has is such an addictive gameplay loop beyond doubt, with a great shooting and gunplay feeling. This all almost makes me dread playing other TPS games in the future, because this is just so meaty and satisfying. For what? Copy and pasted outposts and an empty desert. :sleepy:

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