Metal Gear/Metal Gear Rising Sections?

Could we add a Metal Gear section for Metal Gear 1/2 discussion topics and an MGR section for MGR discussion?

Rather than saturating /MGS/ with a category for every game we thought it best to add a sub-forum for the main (numbered) titles in the Metal Gear Solid series and have a separate sub-forum /MGO/ (Metal Gear Other) to encompass all of the other titles in the series. We want the need for sub-forums to rise organically, so int he future if there is enough discussion about MG1, Rising, Acid, whatever, we can expand /MGS/.

The best way to get a jump start on that is to start posting about the topics you wanna see.

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Oh cheers Jim. Didn’t realise MGO was other and not online only.

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Word, will probably end up changing that to Metal Gear Universe or something similar to avoid confusion in the future.

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