How do you feel about metal gear after all these years?

I might actually go ahead and start playing these games again soon, since it seems like a decent time. I remember that I used to argue on the forums about why I didn’t like MGS2 but I think it’s actually a good game now. I played through it a year or two ago and I guess I was able to see if a little different. My problem with that game now is that they had to edit it because of events in the world at the time, so this whole time I was confused about what Arsenal Gear was and finally got that you don’t actually see it because they had to take out that scene in the game. Still a good game though and I wish they would have done my guy Raiden a little better after that ending.

It’s so interesting to see everyone changing their tune 20 years later, myself included. It wasn’t that I didn’t care for MGS2 (it’s a phenomenal game and somehow STILL holds up in terms and replay-ability and visually for a game that came out in 2001, that’s a true achievement) it was I had the general grievances peopled tended to have (Snake not being the main character) and when Snake Eater was released, that became my instant favorite, I was (and still am) very much a student of cold war history and espionage so that game struck a cord with me that MGS2 didn’t at the time.

BUT as time went on, and I replayed MGS2 a few times, most recently replayed the Tanker Chapter during quarantine, I’ll be damned if the more I played it, the more I thought about it the better it got. I didn’t mind that Snake wasn’t the main, it wasn’t his story. I actually really appreciate how little they showed Snake and how you got the sense he was always kind of casually sneaking around Big Shell. I kept equating it to how cool a movie would be where Snake Plissken kind of just showed up as a secondary character mid way through.

I digress - but MGS2 has gained my admiration over the years. So much so I even bought the exact USP Snake uses in the Tanker Chapter;



Begun replaying MGS3 tonight as it’s my least favourite of them all, just to see if it’ll rub off differently on me this time. It’s actually really interesting to see how much this game holds up in certain regards and absolutely falls so short in others. The camouflage system, honestly, I thought was fantastic when I played through the first time and I still enjoy it now. Some looks really remind me of this a lot.


My general feeling is that my love and appreciation for Metal Gear has evolved and changed over the years. When I was younger it blew my mind because it was my first interaction with adult themes and stories, as an 8 year old MGS1 amazed me in a way I’ll always remember.

Now I’m older much of my enjoyment and love for Metal Gear comes from its unique atmosphere and weird coolness. I still love it but for much different reasons. I definitely no longer think it’s the pinnacle of storytelling in gaming, but I’d given up feeling that way a long time ago anyway.


Hold on to that load! you may be hearing more about it in the coming weeks. the blue balls may be worth it (debatable)

MGS3 though is still a classic, it’s pretty standalone and I can dig it for that, Cold war era is also a hell of a setting. Before i wanted a wide open jungle to explore but now i prefer the sort of closer in feel of that game.

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Yeah we’ve got something cooking for that one which is why I didn’t outright make a thread yesterday.


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Cool. Im really looking forward, as this is why I almost got banned from Reddit talking about some of the instances of mgs v compared to what is going on right now with the virus and all that. One more reason we need more forums and less big brother type of bs.


What the actual fuck? talk about overstepping, seriously, ocelot MGS2 voice Reddit could rot for all I care


Wouldn’t mind a new MGS game right about now!


Or, failing that, the third act of MGSV for the thing to make sense aha.


That would be BRILLIANT honestly! Lmao the story of that game is an absolute nightmare, it really makes me intrigued on what the hell the internal design process at Konami was when in development.

To be fair, the sense in the story overall starts to fracture when MGS4 says, “Hey, you know the guys in MGS3 who don’t have a anything to with MGS1&2? They were behind it all.”


This is why I can’t jive with MGS3. As a stand-alone game it’s great. But in the context of the series it’s where the plot went off a cliff. The series became all about The Boss and her legacy from MGS3 onwards. Which, from my perspective, wasn’t great when The Boss wasn’t exactly the most captivating character. But hey ho.

I was so excited for MGS4 after the reveal of MGS2; but MGS3 kinda destroyed what MGS2 had set up. (eg The Document of MGS2 noting the name of the AI you’d been speaking to as being JFK, GW…).

Instead all we got was MGS3 lore and nanomachines…

deep sigh


Solid Snake is way Cooler and relatable than big boss. Big boss is alll WAHHHH boss dead why solid snake is like “i got to clean up this Old man’s mess” Who’s the true Sigma Snake here?

All jokes aside, i’m jonesing man, As much as im anticipating DS2 it’s no replacement for a metal gear game. I just want to be sucked into a game universe completely again. MGSV is a great game gameplay wise but i dont think anyone here would say it’s their fav story. The real shame is we havent had a Completly pure Metal gear story since 4.

Koj himself has said that he misses the characters and universe and i’m sure one day we’ll see his return but in honestly that could be 10 years from now.


I think so. Solid Snake is an entirely different beast and I’m really a huge fan of how (in comparison to Big Boss at least) Snake is just a normal dude in a bit of a mess!


JustNormalDudeThings: Accelerated Ageing :sleepy:


Once you get a ball and chain, its just unavoidable mate!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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If you search MGSF for my opinions on MGS3 you’d find some questionable takes. Some I stick by now but a lot I stick by.

I’ve softened my stance on the story. It’s a well put together, self contained story. It’s not MGS3’s fault later installments elevated its importance higher than it should have been.

I’ve also softened on the Cobra Unit. They’re just obstacles and that’s fine. Yeah they’re not Foxhound but they never tried to make them Foxhound so cruxifying them for that was silly. Kojima tried to recreate FH with Dead Cell and failed miserably so why try again? (Yeah that’s MGS2 slander, fight me.)

Things I stand by are I have no love for The Boss. Being voiced by Diane from Family Guy doesn’t help. Naked Snake having the same VA and character model is sheer creative bankruptcy and is the least interesting iteration of any playable character in the series after Big Boss in Peace Walker.

I would get a new MGS game in a heartbeat but that’s definitely not down to the story. The story is now horrendous and the last 3 main series installments (GZ isn’t an installment it’s a demo) have progressively gotten worse. Although Peace Walker might be the worst offender. I’d get a new MGS game mainly because the gameplay in MGSV was so, so good. So good I forgive it for not being a linear OSP game like previous titles. MGSV’s gameplay is the only redeeming thing about the series in the last 3 installments.

Peace Walker has no redeeming qualities.


Some of these opinions? I stick by 'em. But the rest? Well dang, I stick by them too. If I don’t, who will?


Bit harsh to highlight my shitty English when you know full well I suffer from a severe case of northerness.