Hi there! This is you old bud, lover, enemy, sadistic_greyfox, new name, slightly smarter, (debatable) always excitable! I’ve missed you all soo much and I’m so excited to finally be able to provide a place for the community to finally congregate again. Recently I’ve found myself missing all of you so much and all the discussions we used to have all those late night theory fights and gaming sessions. I’ve met so many life long friends because of the forums. Me and Jim felt like we owed it to you all to provide a new home, a new beginning for everyone.
As you all know I’m an MGS Fanatic. I’m still talking about theories and themes of mgs and i hope we all can sit around and have a blast together
BTW the MOBILE site works amazing for this site, it’s real quality so you can take a dump while browsing! convenient huh? All my Johnnys out there are gonna flip SHIT!
You guys can finally see what’s in my sugar bowl! MISSED YOU! XOXOXOXOXXOXOX