Hey you guys!

Hi this is tp_GATE aka Black Cat. I am glad to see so many familiar names on here already, and missed all of you. I think I joined MGSF in 2011 and it doesn’t feel like that long at all. A lot of the friendships I made on MGSF have endured the test of time and I think that’s awesome. I wouldn’t have wanted to miss out on any high shitposting so see you around!


And that’s what struck me recently when rumors started to swirl about MGS Remake. We had such a great community, it was a god damn shame it burnt out the way it did.

Regardless, Paul and I feel like we are back on track now. Welcome home!

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Welcome cat, it’s great to see you here. hell yeah there’s gonna be a ton of shitposting so stick around!

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I always liked the look of the Blaklight Society forum and thought the community there was pretty great too, I was really missing having a place to shoot the shit with all of you.

still figuring everything out haha

I used to make weird threads about weird topics just for fun, but idk how funny it was for anybody besides me lmao. I have a lot more to say now though compared to how I used to feel about stuff

Appreciate it! I put a lot of work into that website. If it’s anything to go by, I’ve already put more work into this here than I did for the entirety of Blacklight. We’ve got so much planned for the future.

Don’t worry, I’m gonna be making a quick introductory video for everyone explaining how our site works and some features.

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Welcome Cat! Good to see you.


Hey! Good to see you too! Missed ya buddy, hope you’re still doing good after the surgery.