Hey, do you come here often?

Hello everyone! It’s Aaron aka Squall, aka squallman1 from MGSF.

Never did I think I’d get to experience a forum again, especially the legendary MGSF which I spent many years as a teen, chatting absolute waffle with everyone… joining orgs, learning new shit, and obviously talking about the best gaming series ever made. I spent last night looking at all the intro posts and I remember so many names already, people I thought I’d never see or hear from again because of… well, life really.

What’s been happening in my life? Well…

I’m now 28, still living in London and working in the NHS. I stream on Twitch, do a bit of photography here and there, and a bit of social media work in my spare time. Apart from that, I’ve just got fatter, older and wiser really haha.

Massive shoutout to @Stevosdepressos for inviting me on Facebook, absolute legend.

Looking forward to chatting with you here and getting to know everyone again!

And for the OG’s… signing off with a;

Aaron :slight_smile:


Welcome back squall. Didn’t realise we were so close in age.

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Welcome, Squall! Let us know your Twitch or make a thread to share Twitch IDs. Would be interested to watch sometime.

Hey, welcome, Squall! :joy:

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Squall! Good to see you!

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Welcome to Metal Gear Legacy!

Appreciate you taking the time to join up and surf the boards!

There should be a short tutorial from @Otacon in your inbox to help you get accommodated with all the new features and such (this is a totally different beast than MGSF), and there’s a few threads in the Staff Announcements worth checking out to get caught up.

And thanks again to Gene @Stevosdepressos for inviting another member!

Would you guys like a custom field in the profiles/on the user card for Twitch names? If enough people want it ill add it in.

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @otacon display help.

@otacon display help

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I currently know how to do the following things:

@otacon start {name-of-tutorial}

Starts an interactive tutorial just for you, in a personal message. {name-of-tutorial} can be one of: tutorial, advanced tutorial.

@otacon roll 2d6

:game_die: 3, 6

@otacon quote

:left_speech_bubble: Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. — Abraham Lincoln

@otacon fortune

:crystal_ball: You may rely on it


Hey man! Glad you signed up :dancer:

Ayyy Squall, welcome back man!

Haha I didn’t know either! I always assumed everyone was much older than me when I first joined, maybe I just hadn’t matured back then.

I’m WatchAaron on Twitch!

Feel like that would be a really good addition, if others stream of course.

Much love to you man. <3

Sorry for my late responses - work, health and life is all over the place atm.


Bud i swore I replied to this by my brain must have been split between the dimensions, It’s good to see you here dude! Sound like you’ve been keeping your life busy. Hope to catch up with you on the boards.

Welcome to the forums, glad to have you here too. I didn’t realize how much I was missing shooting the shit with everybody. :crescent_moon: