2023 will be "a year of many "announcements", says Konami veteran and Metal Gear Solid producer Noriaki Okamura. Including something "long awaited"

I can just about make out the outline of a hype-shaped train in the distance…


Don’t do it. Don’t give us hope. :sob:

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Ghost Babel Switch Port.


LOL or a remake…of AC!D…exclusively on Switch.


Both of these things would be sick, don’t @ me


I fucking KNEW it would be you to respond like “That would be so lit :sleepy::fire::ok_hand::ok_hand:


it’s coming boys they’re remaking silent hill 2, they’d be nuts not to do something metal gear wile the metal is still hot. (no pun). too me it’s definitely metal gear, I hear the man who kept kojima’s bs in check for mgs1,2 and 3 is back at Konami. alot of folks give him credit for the tone of those games, mgs4 ws the first without him, see a downward trend? idk if true but I’m here to give you all hope for 2023!


Keeping an auteur in check doesn’t make you an auteur.

I mean I get that, but if there is to be a remake he’s probably the best man for that job IF they want to keep it as true to the originals as they can. the groundwork is already there.

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Yeag they’d be sick AFTER we get a proper MG title.

MGS1 or MG remake, I’ll accept no less. Whatever it is we probably aren’t getting a new MGS with Kojima.

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Tomokazu Fukushima? The man who wrote optional codec calls…and then got called the secret genius behind the series. And hasn’t been credited with anything since 2004.

Konami is bare bones these days. The best hope for the series is to outsource remakes.


I think so, I heard it on a YouTube vid though , not like I got confidential sources or anything lol. more than likely lies but I’ll take all the hope I can get.

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if this was the guy I was definitely wrong!