Your favorite games of the last decade (2010 - 2019)

Revelations Multiplayer was honestly brilliant. It’s my most prominent memory of the game and my most prominent memory of online AC I think.

Assassin’s Creed, for all the faults it has, had an amazing multiplayer component back then and a truly unique set of game modes. I wish they could have carried on with it into PS4/5 but the style of games and the combat is just on the other end of the spectrum now, which is such a shame.


Oh yeah I loved Revs multi. It was single player I am indifferent towards.

Assassin’s Creed 1 and 2 (and Brotherhood) were so good bros. Of all the series that are accused of annual reskins, AC was always the most offensive and soulless to me. CoD would pick a new gimmick each year and stick with it, and often made quite radical changes. Sports games are like an annual subscription to play a refined competitive game. AC wasted its own premise and an original, fun multiplayer mode to be a blander, worse version of the hot action RPG of that year. Every year.

EDIT: by “always” I mean 3 onwards.


I don’t want to be reminded of this. I got that legitimately in a game (I was counting all of my types of kills / bonuses and was actually 1 over by the end) and I never got the trophy. I liked the multiplayer but found Brotherhood, while still fun, was a bit derivative and was where the demise began. Hated Revelations. Just thinking about AC in general just makes me sad when I consider how much I loved the series at one point and how Ubisoft ran all of my favourite storylines into the dirt.

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before online multiplayer was a thing, and before microtransactional “fantasy team” modes became the main goal of nearly every sports game (which is something i loathe fwiw), sports games always excelled at the carrer/franchise/dynasty modes. The changes year to year dont get enough credit, as they often change the entire meta of how the game is played.

I didn’t start disliking AC until Syndicate. Unity got a lot of shit but it was honestly one of my favorites for sticking to the core of what I always liked about AC; open ended stabby missions. And the world / soundtrack just took my breath away (not just from all the funk of Revolution era France). It was when the games became less about assassinating people and turned into a number generator with level gates and the same hack-y-slash-y bullshit instead of genuine stealth action goodness that I checked out.

For me, the “reskin” didn’t bother me because I’ve always maintained “sometimes, more of the same is all you need” for certain sequels. And for a while, AC used to provide that. These days? It provides performing a stealth kill and having that only knock off a fifth of a basic enemies health and pre-order bonuses where you can wear a towel.

And it’s a shame because I still really like the OG games. I didn’t even hate 3 despite it being my least favorite of the good games.

This is the game that turned me off the series too a lot. Bad dialogue, fan service shit, poor level design and in my experience, the most glitchy of all the AC games. Poor progression system in that game too and the environment and the location was disgustingly wasted. Really let down by it, it had some true potential.

Never again.

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I liked Syndicate a lot and I will NOT have this anti-Syndicate propaganda on these forums.

Let’s face it, the best part about the game was how fucking hilarious and stupid it was that Karl Marx was just working with the assassins and clumsily dropping all the pages of the Communist Manifesto around London.

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I will expand this lists as time goes on but I’ll hit you guys with the ones that hits the pleasure and emotional centers first.

The last of us - Regardless how you feel about the sequel the first one was such a ride to play, it’s one of the few games that made me actually feel the emotions of the characters involved and while many people disagreed with Joel’s final choice i was right there with him. before the sequel made it seem like Ellie was the DEFINITE cure. TLOU1 played with the idea that there’s only a chance she was a cure, I know i don’t see eye to eye with everyone on this choice and ellie ISNT his daughter but i’ll be damned if i sacrificed a child i’ve protected so viciously, and grew along side of her to be a sacrifice for a cure that wasn’t even certain. Even the execution of the firefly leader i was with. All media always leaves loose ends and this wrapped it up. it’s really why TLOU1 is just a perfect stand alone game. Tlou2 was good, i enjoyed it gameplay wise but the characters didnt feel real to me anymore at somepoints.

Nier Automata - Yes get your waifu thirst out the way already! people seem to foreget the emotional ride this game took espeically the 9s segements, this came came out of left field for me especially since i never played a nier game before, very existential type of game while also being jaw dropping in some locations. i dont want to spoil anything but those who know the ending of this game know exactly how touching your final choice is. if this dont bring a tear to your eye, YOURE A MONSTER!

Journey - Folks seemed to have forgotten about this game but what a beutiful ride it was…until it wasn’t for those who’ve never played it, damn you missed an experience. going all the way through the game with someone to see what becomes of you both. It’s a beautiful game and we need more shared community experiences like this.

all i have for now but believe me i’m coming right back!