MGS4 - 13 years later

yeah dude i LOVED the middle east part and then it just ended WAY TOO FAST despite all the trailers only showing middle east sections SMH!

I dont think ive ever done a complete playthrough since either. Im still not over all the noobs on mgsf calling me dumb for saying big boss was gonna be in mgs4 lol


This was my first ever post on MGSF cos I found art work that depicted BB haha.

MGS4 overall was a let down. Nanomachines were used to explain everything, and the fact it leaned too much on the backstory established in MGS3 shit all over what MGS2 set up.

Narratively itā€™s all over the place and it literally retcons MGS2 by stating that Raiden had been in Foxhound and that Campbell was his C/O.

Which the totally undermined the whole point of MGS2 that Colonel was a creation of the player/Raiden based on previous experiences.

Iā€¦yeah. It has spectacle and not much else. And an awesome rip off of Universal Soldier!


And Iā€™m still not over all the noobs on MGSF calling me dumb for saying Big Boss was gonna be in MGSV.


And Iā€™m still not over all the noobs on MGSF calling me dumb for saying Big Boss was gonna be in Super Bomberman R


truly a tragedy on the level of shakespeare imo


MGS4, while not as bad as we all made it out to be was definitely not the classic we all wished it was. Vamp suddenly being able to run on water becasue of nanomachine? Koj you dumb bro.

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i think the things mgs4 did well were amazing, no one else was doing anything like that

but the things it fumbled on were really bad imo


Yeah man, Technically itā€™s leaps and bounds above games of that era and even now, it just interms of retcons and story telling kojima fucked the mystique up with having to explain anything. Keep Vamp a vampire, Keep Ocelot some weirdo clairvoyant because of the Daddy! And Johnny is just Proof meryl has a shit fetish. whatever kojima!


Gameplay was good; the narrative was utterly horrific.

It seemed to deliberately write off the ideas in MGS2 and MGS1 with ideas of the supernatural and the occultā€¦cosā€¦ nanomachines (?) - which was continued in MGSV with the parasites being to MGSV what nanomachines were to MGS4. All in all, a lazy cop out.

And yeah, Meryl and Johnny literally came out of absolutely nowhere. For a series which had such a strong story, it was utterly phoned in for MGS4. I remember having goosebumps at the end of MGS2. And it was resolved with ā€˜The Bossā€¦ AIs. BIG BOSS!.ā€™

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